Today’s Reading:
Hebrews 6:13-20
“So that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie ...” (v.18)

While we were growing up, our parents usually made some promises to us. Sometimes, those promises were made so that they can be free to go out and the child will stop crying. At times they made big promises which they never fulfilled. Parents may joke with their words even between couples, but God is not like that. God is not a joker, he won't say something today and come back tomorrow to retrieve what he has said or say la was only joking with you. He means what He says and says what he means. In Isaiah 55-10-11, the scriptures say: For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven and do not return there but water the earth.... so will My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth. It will not return to Me void. But it will accomplish that which l please and it will prosper in the thing to which l sent it. Man can deny what he said but not God. In fact, let all men be a liar, God cannot Lie because it's never in His nature.
In the passage above, Hebrews 6:13-20, it is about certainly of God's promises. God made the promise to Abraham and He swore by Himself since there is no one greater. He confirmed or guaranteed the promise with an oath to show his unchangeableness. So the two unchangeable things are the promise of God and the oath. God's promises cannot be changed on His path because they come from the one who cannot lie ( (Numbers 23:19, I Samuel 15:29).Though Abraham did not live to see the nation of Israel but he saw Isaac through whom the promise was fulfilled. Pa. Akindayomi, the founder of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) was being promised by God that his church will go round the world. But at a time, he was growing old and he felt what God said will not be fulfilled. He travelled with his interpreter the person of Pastor E. A. Adeboye abroad and during the program, the Word of the Lord came through the preacher that what God promised Pa. Akindayomi, God said he would do it. Pa. Akindayomi wept because he thought the promise will not be fulfilled again being that he was getting old though he never witnessed the full-fledged of the promise, but God fulfill it.
Are you counting years too and you are seriously considering your age thinking what God said will not be fulfilled. Some promises are intergenerational, they will outlive a generation. Who knows may be that's the promise God has for you. The baby of an elephant can never be compared with that of a goat. Be rest assured that if it's God, it will be done. In fact, immediately he said it, it has been established, it is only waiting for manifestation. Renew your commitment to Him now and let your hope be alive because faithful is He who made the promise. The fulfillment is about to manifest. HALLELUYAH!
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands.
Sing this song: Standing on the promises of Christ the king ….
Confess your unbelief and doubt about His promises.
If you have stepped out of grace to find succour somewhere, confess to him.
I receive grace to wait patiently on you for the fulfillment of God's promises, in Jesus name.
Whether the devil likes it or not, God's promises shall be fulfilled in my life and that of my generation, in Jesus name.