Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 6:1-13

The seraphim, God’s guarding creatures focus on God’s holiness (v. 3). They have six wings (v. 2), two to cover the face, indicating reverence to the Lord, another two to cover the feet, depicting modesty or humility. And with two they fly indicating the readiness for service. In preparation for Isaiah’s call as a prophet who would proclaim the impending judgement, the young aristocrat, saw the Lord on His throne – exalted, lofty, and high and lifted up. Since the time he saw the vision of the Lord, God’s majestic holiness was so overwhelming that he was devastated, he realised that He has the right to rule over all the earth. Seeing the Lord and listening to the praise of the angels, he realised that he was unclean before God, with no hope of measuring up to the heavenly standard of holiness (vv. 1-5). Not until his lips was touched with live burring coals was his sins forgiven. Actually, it was God that forgave his sins.
Humility, not pride resulted from Isaiah’s genuine experience in God’s presence. After his cleansing, he said, Lord here I am send me.’ We need to go through this painful process before we can fulfil the task to which God is calling us. He saw sin as an unclean thing to God (v. 5), hence one of his key teachings was that sin is rebellion (v. 12) to God. His encounter with God brought about a focus tool for his speech acknowledging the nature of his ministry as a spokesman for God. Isaiah responded to God’s call with gratitude. Whereas, Moses made excuses that he stammered and would not be able to take up the task for which God has called him (Ex. 3:4-12). Jeremiah claimed that he was young and could not speak well when God called him (Jere. 1:6). Isaiah willingly volunteered to meet the needs the Lord had revealed to him (v. 8).
Although Isaiah had been a prophet before now, it was after the death of King Uzziah who ruled in Judah for 52 and later died a leper (Ch 26:16-23) that he was privileged to experience the presence of God (v. 1). It was after this experience he realised his sinfulness –“Woe is me! For I am ruined, Because I am a man of [ceremonially] unclean lips, And I live among a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.” (v, 5). As in the case with Isaiah, many of us ministers of God go about in filthy spiritual garment and we do not know. At this point, we must believe that Isaiah had this experience probably because his spirit yearned for a change in his divine task, and the Lord of host came all out to help him. This is what all ministers of God should do. Cry to the Lord to show you the secret of your life, hindering the most of the power in your life and ministry. Like Isaiah could it be the presence of your spiritual King Uzziah occupying your space. Not that the hindrance would not necessarily be human. It could be an unbroken area of your life that needs to be broken and remoulded. According to a man of God that was physically strong, but spiritually he was being manipulated by the enemy and contrary powers having access into his life. Not until he cried to the Lord for help that He helped him to deal with some foundational issues and dealt with certain environmental and territorial powers around him that he was able to deal with this challenge. Today, he is able to see his spiritual state and environment clearer.
What is your own King Uzziah? Does it ever occur to you to ask God to show you the secrets of your life? Many go about in the spirit realm with filthy garment, unknown to them (Isa 64:6-7; Zechariah 3:5). An example of this was Joshua standing before the angel of God with a filthy garment. God’s new covenant with believers that is sealed with the blood of Jesus has done a great deal in our spiritual lives.
What to do:
Be a born-again, and be spirit filled believer and worker.
Be cleansed as did Isaiah, confess your sins and submit to God’s control
Daily focus your attention on the risen Christ, deal with all distractions by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Be able to spend quality time in the presence of God. Just any time is not enough. Ask the Holy Spirit to rearrange your priorities to suit your walk with God.
Daily ask for the in-feeling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).
Be filled with His power, His fire, and His love and be sanctified for God’s service.
Be an intercessor and daily put on the whole armour of God (Eph. 6:10)
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud: Father, thank you for Jesus Christ. Forgive my sins, take control of my heart and lead me in your righteous path by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord. If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
O Lord, You are holy, and the whole earth is full of Your glory.
Lord, I surrender myself; send me to wherever You will.
O Lord, lift me higher than the world and sin, in Jesus name.
O Lord, show me the path of life, in Your presence is fulness of joy, and at Your right hand there are pleasure for evermore
O Lord, renew my strength like the eagle, in Jesus name.
Lead me O Lord, because of my enemies, make Your way straight before me, in Jesus name.
Holy Spirit fill me afresh to overflowing, empower me, fill me with Your fire and grant me Your enablement, Your anointment for your service, in Jesus name.
8. Father, rescue, save, deliver all that are perishing, in captivities, and bondages, in Jesus name.
Father, thank you for Your intervention in the leadership of our nation and give new lease of life to the poor, the orphans, the helpless and hopeless, in Jesus name.
Christ let Your kingdom come, let Your rule begin and break with Your iron rod the tyrannies of sin.