Today’s Readings:
Psalm 119: 121-128
1Kings 3:16-28
James 3: 16-18
We need the wisdom from God to navigate this cruel world. The bible says wisdom is profitable to direct. Christ said I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves, be ye wise as serpent and gentle as doves. The wisdom required must come from God. A man’s enemies are the members of his household. The songwriter admonished us as Christians that Christians seek not yet repose hear thy guardian angels say thou art in the midst of foes, watch and pray.
The wisdom given to Solomon by God to govern the Israelites was given to him freely because he asked for it. It came into play in his judgment concerning the harlots and he was applauded by all. However, at a later stage in his life he stopped asking the Lord for wisdom and the rest is history. We need to learn a lot of lessons from Solomon’s trajectory. We must constantly ask God for direction before we embark on any venture so as not to fail. If God says don’t do it, then that is the end of the matter. If God says go ahead then no matter the challenges on the way, we have to keep on pushing because of the assurance from God needed to push it till the end has been given. We must recognize God as the author and finisher of our faith.
James 3:15-17, makes us to understand that the wisdom that descended not from above is earthly, sensual and devilish. Such wisdom brings envy, strife, confusion and every evil work. James 1 V. 5 admonishes us that lack wisdom to ask from God who will gladly give us freely. Rehoboam asks for earthly wisdom and the kingdom was wrestled from him. Samuel was always asking for God’s wisdom and became one of the greatest prophets ever in the land of Israel. Today, ask for God’s wisdom before you embark on that project for wisdom is profitable to direct.
The Lord reigns; let the people tremble; He sits between the cherubims; let the earth be moved.
The Lord is great in Zion; and He is high above all the people.
Wisdom to navigate this world successfully oh Lord give it unto me in the name of Jesus.
Wisdom that cannot be polluted fall upon me by fire in the name of Jesus.
OH LORD my father envelope me and my family with wisdom that will make us fulfill our divine destiny in the name of Jesus.
The wisdom to lead the church to the promised land, oh Lord grant it to our Pastors and Ministers in the name of Jesus.
Give our leaders the wisdom to take our Nation to greater heights in the name of Jesus.