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Whom Shall God Send?

Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Isaiah 6:1-8 (3)

".. . And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." (v.3 NIV)


King Uzziah reigned in Israel for 52 years. He was a godly and powerful king although the later part of his reign was characterized with wicked behaviour and judgement was passed in chapter 5. His death marked a radical spiritual turnaround for Israel (1a). King Uzziah had died and there was no power vacuum, but the Lord manifested himself as the only true King seated on the throne, high and exalted (1b), commanding the cosmic forces. The angelic hosts of heaven recognised God's holiness and glory (v 2; 40:25-26). The angelic adoration of God was done with a demonstration of power because the foundation of the thresholds trembled (v. 4; 4:5; Jos.6:1-20; 1Kg. 8:10).

Before the death of king Uzziah, prophet Isaiah did not realise his spiritual state and that of his environment. "Woe is me! ... I am ruined! for I am a man of uncleaned lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips ... Almighty." (v.5).

Lawrence Darmani, a devotional writer, in his walk with God, said he observed that, like Uzziah, the closer he approaches God's light, the clearer he sees himself.

When the light of Christ shines in the darkness of our lives, it exposes our sinful state. This is not to discourage us, but to humble us in our trust in him. Because we have sinned and have fallen short of the glory and standard of God (Rom. 3:23); we have no righteousness to depend upon (v. 5; Rom. 3:23). In our walk with God, there is no room for pride.

Before God can use us, he has to clean us, but we have to cry out to him for help.

It was after God had forgiven Isaiah's sin, that he gave out a call that "who will go..." (v. 8) and Isaiah responded, "here am I send me." God knew that his desire to serve was genuine. God is always looking for one with a perfect heart for him, and not necessarily one with a perfect performance before him. Once the Lord take hold of our heart, he can always change our behaviour. This fact should always encourage anyone who wants to serve God, but feels he had many flaws. God is able to remould.

Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe


  1. God, I declare that you are holy. The whole world is full of your glory, in Jesus name.

  2. Father, break me, re-mould and sanctify me for your use, in Jesus name.

  3. Father, here I am! Send me wherever You want! In Jesus name.

  4. Power assigned to monitor every area of my life, die, in Jesus name.

  5. Father uproot everything you have not planted in your church and revive your Pentecostal fire and power in Jesus name.

  6. Father, thank you for sustaining Nigeria with your power and fire. Let there be peace and harmony of purpose, and move the nation forward, in Jesus name. Amen.

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