Today’s Readings:
Ruth 1:1,3-6,14-16,22
Psalm 146:5-10
Matthew 22:34-40

St. Thomas Aquinas had a high view of friendship. He said: "Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious." Affability is the key virtue that helps us make friends.
Who is an affable person?
A person who is pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly, cordial and warmly polite. Today, I want to explore the nature of friendship which we see in the relationship between Naomi and Ruth. We can use their relationship as the yardstick to measure our current friendships and commit them to God since He is the author of all true friendships. Here are the traits that a true friend should possess (including you):
CONNECTION – This is a natural affinity which links two people together. You can be friends with a group of people, but you are only drawn to one or two. This inexplicable link is important to start you off on your journey in friendship, but it will only be sustained if what follows is also present.
VISION – A true friend helps you define your vision. They help you set your values right and focus on what is most important. The highest value is the pursuit of a life of holiness, irrespective of your social or marital status. And the most important thing is doing everything for the greater glory of God. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31).
COMPANIONSHIP – A friend should be someone you can live with, hold conversations with and be your truest self with, without feeling judged or awkwardly self-conscious.
FAMILY – A true friend should consider you a part of themselves. What they say to you and do for you should be done as though it is for themselves. Nothing kills friendship faster than acting from personal interest or selfishness.
FAITH - Your friend needs to have encountered God. Faith keeps them grounded and they can assist you to stay grounded in God who is the source of our being and our final destination in heaven. Their relationship with God should be such that you can say of them, “I have encountered God in a man/woman”.
GOOD CHARACTER – They should be a model of right conduct, doing what is right simply because it is the right thing to do and not be an occasion of sin either by their words or actions.
DEPENDABLE – You can always count on them to come through for you spiritually (through prayer), emotionally (listening and counselling), financially (resourcefulness), morally (guidance) and by their physical presence (support).
TRUTHFUL – A true friend will tell you the truth and help you to act in your best interest and not out of sentiments.
ABLE TO KEEP A SECRET – The ability to keep secrets is an important test of character, trust and loyalty. A true friend will keep your secrets, and not spill them to anyone because they have a runny mouth.
I hope that your friends are leading you closer to God which is why He gave them to you in the first place. Pray for your friends and potential friends. Ask God to either take them away from you if their mission is not of Him or keep them close to you if their intentions are pure and genuine.
Lord, You have been our dwelling place in generations; Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the earth and the world. Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. Lord, thank You for my friends and all those You have placed at important points in my life, in Jesus' name.
Bless them and keep them close to Your heart, in Jesus' name.
Aid them in their struggles, be close to them in moments of pain and loneliness, support them in times of need and lead them safely through life, in Jesus' name.
When they come to the end of their earthly journey, deliver them from despair, in Jesus' name.
Father, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, help me to diligently, make my calling and election secure, in Jesus' name.
Lord, reconcile grievances in Christian families and grant every member the heart to forgive the other, in Jesus' name.
Let the blood of Jesus bridge every gap in the body of Christ; let there be harmony of purpose, in Jesus' name.
As we preach the Gospel, Father, help the body of Christ to lay aside all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, all evil talk; help us to desire the pure milk of Your Word, so that we would grow and see that the Lord is gracious, in Jesus name.
Father, instil in our leaders, the fear of You and let them see their office as a ministry to the glory of Your holy name, in Jesus' name.
Lord, visit the hurting, the homeless, and the depressed in nations of the word, with Your healing power and mercy, in Jesus' name.