Today’s Reading:
Exodus 39:32-43

I heard a story of a man who went to God in prayer and fasting seeking direction. Not long after, God showed him two letters: P and C. He was so happy for a prayer answered, assuming God was saying “Plant Church”, and he quickly started a church. After some years of labour, nothing came forth which made him to run back to God. He said, “Lord God, why has it become like this?” Then he heard the voice saying, “PC that I showed you means Plant Corn and not Plant Church.
Today’s passage helps us to understand that the instruction that God gave Moses in Chapter 25 about the kind of temple to be built was carefully carried out.
There is a kind of life that God wants us to live as His own created in his image and likeness (1 Corinthians 3:16). God went as far as giving names of the people He wants in the construction of the temple in Chapter 31:2. So, let us individually search our souls. How have you been going about the instruction that was committed into your hands? Are you like the man in the story who rushed into assuming, suspecting rather than prayerfully waiting and seeking the face of God for clarity? Do you know those you are to partner with in the kingdom task committed into your care? Are you scared or perhaps lazy in the place of prayer?
Today in the house of God, pastors will readily commit titles and positions to those who do not revere God, forgetting Matthew 7:6, because of Status, stature, financial abilities, and eloquence. Remember John the Baptist did not think that he was the only child of his aged father and mother, till he was beheaded by the king. God chose David for the deliverance of the Israelites from Goliath’s harassment and even today is willing and ready to do same through you and I, even in this age and time.
Father by your grace, help me to patiently wait on you over every matter that concerns me, in Jesus name.
King of glory, may I not run into assumption of your desire for my life, family, and ministry, in Jesus name.
Father, make my heart, life and home suitable as your dwelling place, in Jesus name.
Father, from the east, west, north, and south, cause my ministry helper to locate me, in Jesus name.
Help me to know those hands you have ordained to help me through the tasks before me, in Jesus name.
Father, in your mercy give us a man like King David, Samuel and Joseph to lead our nation to the promised land, in Jesus name.