Today’s Reading:
Luke 2;8-11
“But the angels said to them, do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great Joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord.”
(Luke 2:10-11 NIV)

News comes in different ways and dimensions. It may either be good or bad. Bad News comes with sadness and sorrow of heart. It may also come with discomfort and depression. On the other hand, good news gladdens the heart. Pro 15:30- “A cheerful look brings Joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones”. It comes with great Joy. It refreshes the soul and brings encouragement. Good news is burden lifter “good news from far country is like a cold water to the weary” (Pro 25:25).
Good news is like a light that shines in the midst of darkness. Like a light which dispels darkness. From our text above, the shepherds heard the news of the birth of Jesus Christ which is a good news to the world. Preceding the birth of Christ there was gloom and complete darkness. (Isaiah 9:1). It is good news because His birth terminates the season of darkness the world had been experiencing. Jesus Christ is the only source of good news the world needs for solution at such a time as this. He is the only one who can drive away every source of fear and dry your tears. He gives mercy in place of judgement, justification in place of condemnation, mercy in place of punishment. He replaces sorrow with joy unlimited. He gives hope to the hopeless, He can also renew a broken or wounded heart. He is the only one who gives assurance of a new life in place of bitter life.
Will you be willing to accept this goodness today? It has nothing to do with your tribe, culture, religion or social status. It is for the whole world “I bring you good news of great Joy that will be for all the people.”(Luke 2:10). Are you in bondage to sin, Satan or sickness? The good news is that Christ Jesus has the supreme power to set you free and make you whole again. Accepting this good news is very simple, acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Personal Saviour. Believe that He died for you, confess your sins and continue to depend on Him subsequently. That automatically makes you a child of God. “Know Jesus Know life, No Jesus no life”. (John 14:6)
Father send to me my angels with good news.
Father give me the grace to trust in you for my salvation.
Father deal with every hardness of heart that will not allow people to acknowledge you as the Lord and Saviour.
Father let the light of the gospel shine upon every nation of the world.
Father, do everything possible to bring your church to the knowledge of truth.