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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Romans 8:12-17

Psalm 68:2, 4, 6-7, 20-2

Luke 13:10-17


The secret to success in your day is a living and thriving relationship with the Holy Spirit. This is because the evil one studies our weaknesses and is ever watchful to set a trap for us in the things we think about, the things we say and the things we do. It is only through a thriving relationship with the Holy Spirit that we are equipped to evade the Devil’s attacks and do all things well for the glory of God and our flourishing as God’s children.


For the devil’s seven poisonous arrows, we have a seven-fold protection, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:

  • Wisdom – We are often tempted to make decisions without considering the rightness or wrongness of our actions. The Holy Spirit enlightens our minds helps us distinguish what is right from what is wrong and helps us make better choices.

  • Knowledge - We may presume that good intentions are all that is required to make good choices. Ignorance of the consequences and implications of our actions can lead to disastrous results. For this, we need the light of the Holy Spirit to show us the implications of our actions and steer us away from ignorance.

  • Understanding - We are often tempted to distrust the teachings of the Church on moral issues. Understanding helps us grasp the essence of moral truths and reveals to us the malice of the devil in wanting us to act in a way that is contrary to the dictates of our faith, all in the name of freedom.

  • Counsel - One who has good advisers will never lose their way. Your most dependable source of good advice is the Scriptures and the teaching authority of the Church and those who make it the rule of their lives.

  • Fortitude - The devil plans to make us respond to pressure from friends and relatives in ways that force our hands to make hasty decisions. The Holy Spirit fills us with strength to make unpopular choices, so long as it is by the will of God.

  • Piety - Where people celebrate sin and shamelessness, we are conscious of the dignity of our souls and the fact that a good name is worth more than silver and gold.

  • Fear of the Lord - In the final analysis, our actions are motivated either by fear of breaking our relationship with God or a desire to please ourselves. When we choose the latter, we strip off the shield of divine blessings and protection and align ourselves with the agenda of darkness.

Let the words of the Holy Spirit ring in your heart today: "Come, my child, listen to me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Is there a man/woman who wants life, desiring to see good days? Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking what is false. Turn away from evil and do good. Seek peace and go in pursuit of it" (Psalm 34:13-14). Befriend the Holy Spirit. Trust in His guidance and do not act in a way that is contrary to His command. This way you prove to be a child of God, destined for greatness and glory.

                                                                                    JUDE-MARY OWOH



  1. May the Holy Spirit order my steps today, guide my thoughts, prompt my words and inspire my actions so that I may be blessed forevermore, in Jesus' name. Amen.

  2. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, instructs the hearts of the faithful, grant that through the same Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation and protection through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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