Today's Reading:
Psalm 107:1-7,33-37
Joshua 2:15-24
"Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He hath redeemed from the hands of the enemy."
(Psalm 107:2 AKJV)

To redeem in Hebrew means to be next of kin, as in to buy back a relative’s property. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. It means let the redeemed say that they have been redeemed. Redemption is a multi-faceted word, which could mean being redeemed from the power of sin which is the ultimate of all redemptions. When a man is redeemed, such a man is being rescued from danger, liberated, cleansed, loosed, delivered, washed anew by the Blood of Jesus, re-united, accepted to the fold, saved from the hands of the enemies or sin and so on.
The Israelites had suffered a great deal at the hands of their enemies at various stages of their lives. Then they cried unto God and He came to rescue them on all the occasions. He makes the storms to be calm; the waves become still for their sake. He turned the wilderness into standing water and dry ground into water springs. These and more were done for them because they were the redeemed of the Lord.
Every faithful believer in God is redeemed of the Lord in as much as he/she is living an upright life before the Lord. Therefore, let us endeavour to do what it takes to be fit for the position of redeemed of the Lord. Let us be holy within and without for our God is holy.
The redemptive power of God locate me now in the name of Jesus,
The blood of Jesus Christ redeems evil out of my life in the name of Jesus.
Powers of redemption locate Christian homes in the name of Jesus.
Evil projected to my future, be redeemed by the Blood of Jesus.
Oh God arise let your Redemptive power rest upon our nation in the name of Jesus.