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Making God’s Way Our Way

Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Psalm 119: 17 – 32 (v.24)

“Your statues are my delight; they are my Counsellors.” (v. 24)


Psalm 119 is a very special chapter of the Bible, special in the sense that:

i. It is an elaborate alphabetical Psalm which has 22 (8 verses) stanza that extol the word of God.

ii. It is the longest chapter of the Bible with 176 verses. Verses 17 – 32 formed the third and fourth stanzas; that is Gimel and Daleth.

When things are not going on the way they should, it makes it impossible to achieve an expected end. Human beings were made to live in alignment with God. Without that, it would not be possible to achieve the purpose of being in existence.

One major thing that ruins our alignment or relationship with God is SIN. And our scriptural main focus for today has for us 3 things that we can do to realign our ways with God’s ways.

i. Aligning our vision – in verse 18, the Psalmist says ‘’Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law’’. To align our vision with God’s vision, we need to open our eyes to who God is. To make God’s ways our ways, we must be patient in opening our eyes to the fullness of scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit both in us and through us, this means taking our eyes off our needs and fixing them on God.

ii. Aligning our thought – vs 23. ‘’Though rulers sit together and speak against me; but your servant will meditate in your decrees ‘’. To make God’s ways our ways, we need to open our minds to Him through understanding His truth that is brought to us by Holy Spirit through our private meditation and through the wisdom of others. Let His ways shape our knowledge and understanding as we open our minds to Him.

iii. Aligning our feelings (v. 30). “I have chosen the way of truth: your judgement has laid before me”. To make God’s way our ways, we need to open our hearts to receiving an eternal source of security and comfort.

In conclusion; what part of your life do you need to align with God’s ways this morning?



  1. Father, thank you for your word; empower me to align with your way, in Jesus name.

  2. Father, create in me a pure heart and renew a right and teachable spirit within me in Jesus name.

  3. Holy Spirit, overshadow every area of my life, in Jesus name.

  4. Father revive your Pentecostal fire and power in your church and let your will be done in Jesus name.

  5. Father, give us God fearing leaders in the nation, in Jesus name.

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