Today’s Reading:
Hebrew 11:1-7
“This is what the ancients were commended for (v. 2)……and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him” (v. 6 NIV)

We currently live in a world of great desire and love for commendation and rewards. It is said of this generation that is a “reward-seeking generation”. “No rewards, no action or no show”! One wonders about the word “faith”, which is practically an absurd and an abstract concept, by human thinking. As defined in our reading today, faith is having confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Ironically, the saying of this time is – “seeing is believing”. Some great doubters or perhaps those who have learnt hard lessons through being duped or outsmarted, add – “seeing and touching is believing”. It would appear that faith living is getting harder!
In verse 2 of our Today’s reading, it is said that people of old (ancient time), who took this definition of faith wholeheartedly and acted on it, were commended. Also, in verse 6, it is said that without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him. To buttress the facts of commendation and rewards, for those who act in faith, our reading today from verse 7 -13, opens our eyes clearly to these. In verse 4, we read of Abel’s faith, as he brought a befitting/acceptable sacrifice to God as an offering (Gen. 4:4). This offering was better than that of his brother Cain. For this, God commended Abel as righteous, as He spoke well of his offering. Aside from this commendation, Abel was rewarded, in that, though dead, no more on the earth, yet he still speaks. This means that his memory and acceptable offering are not forgotten, but still being referred to and used as lesson to teach the living today.
In verse 5, Enoch was commended by God as one who pleased him. In Genesis 5 verse 22, it is said that Enoch walked faithfully with God for 300 years, and in verse 24, it is recorded that he walked faithfully with God, then he was no more because God took him away. In Hebrews 11:5, it is said that he was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death, that is, in the flesh on earth like other people die and are buried. What a great experience and reward!
The faith of Noah is spoken of in verse 7 of our reading. When he was warned about the wickedness of the people of his days, and of God’s intended judgement on them, (Gen. 5-22). It is said that though he had not seen these things happen, Noah, in holy fear, built an ark, as commanded by God, which eventually saved his family. By his faith, he condemned the world, as he went about warning the people of their wickedness. For his obedience and actions, God commended Noah and also rewarded him by making him the heir of righteousness, that is in keeping with faith (v. 7).
Aside from these ones, many others recorded in Hebrews 11, and the Scriptures in general, such as: Abraham (v. 8, 17); Sarah (v. 8), Joseph (v. 22); Moses (v. 23-28) and many others (v. 31-39), were all commended for their faith. In spite of the times, we live in, it is noteworthy that God, who cannot lie, but keeps his words, desires that we live and act in faith, if only to please him, and better still, that we be sure to receive his commendation and rewards.
Father of faith, we bless Your name for the faith that created the world, including us mankind, in Jesus name.
Father, we seek you to strengthen us in faith, as individuals and collectively, so that we may be commended and rewarded, in Jesus name.
Lord, teach us to put action to our faith, so that we would please You and our Father in heaven, in Jesus name.
Father, please help the faith of Your Church, so that it will propagate the Gospel and expand Your Kingdom of light, in Jesus name.
Father, please give salvation and faith to the leaders of the nation, so that they may please You, in Jesus name.