Today’s Reading:
Exodus 34:29-35
‘‘They saw his face was radiant’’ (v. 35a)

In contrast with the anger and holy indignation that Moses evidenced when he returned with the first set of tablets (Exodus 32:19), this time his face radiated with the glory of God, but he was unaware of it. This made the people afraid of him, but he encouraged them to listen as he told them the stipulations of the renewed covenant. Apparently, the people told Moses his face shone because he then covered it with a veil. Because of the time Moses spent with God, he was transformed; the appearance of his countenance was altered, his countenance glowed so that while he spoke with the people his face glowed, and this was evidence to the people that he had been with God on the mountain. Moses’ experience in the passage is to teach Christians who by faith see the glory of Jesus Christ in the Word and experience a spiritual transformation to read the Bible continuously and meditate on it because when the child of God looks into the Word of God and sees the Son of God, he or she is transformed by the Spirit of God into the image of God for the glory of God. The secret of this beauty is the communion with God; that is the source; it must spring from, lending sanctity to the character, and beauty to the very face. To see God’s face is to, shine; to keep seeing it, is to keep shining. Uncover yourselves therefore to the light; keep yourselves up where the light is shining. The struggle will be to do that and will be over when you have done it. So and so only will you shine yourselves? The manner of this shining is a reflection and the secret of it is communion with God.
The glory of the Old Testament Law was temporary and finally faded away, but the glory of new covenant grace grows brighter and brighter. Moses only reflected God’s glory and had to wear a veil so the people could not see the glory disappear, but God’s people today radiate God’s glory from within as they see Jesus Christ in the Word (the mirror) and become more like Him (2 Corinthians 3:18). We need to be a constant transfiguration experience as we walk with the Lord. When you are walking with God, you must be responsible and run away from sin because the glory of God will be seen on you by everybody. God is never in a rush to use irresponsible people. If He used Moses to pass His message to the Israelites, He can also use you to do greater things you did not even expect in Jesus name.
Beloved, the glory evident in Moses’ face was a diminishing radiance (2 Corinthians 7, 13). By contrast, in the faces of Christians is God’s ever-increasing glory. Ever-increasing glory is the glory, from glory into the glory that is, from one stage of glory to another. Christian’s glory, like that of Moses, reflects the Lord’s glory. But unlike Moses’ transitory glory, a believer’s glory is eternal because of God’s abiding presence through the Holy Spirit. This glory is the experience of salvation available in the New Covenant and mediated by the Spirit who leads Christians from justification through sanctification to glorification. As believers manifest the fruit of the Spirit, they are progressively being transformed into His likeness. Christlikeness is the goal of the Christian walk continuously with the Lord. We need to be with the Lord always for directives.
1. Father, help me to connect with you always, in Jesus name.
2. Father, do the changes in my life to make me useful for your assignment in Jesus name.
3. Father, help us to reflect your glory, in Jesus name.
4. Father, help me to shine so that people will see Jesus in my life, in Jesus name.
5. Father let your glory over-shadow our nations, in Jesus name.
6. Father, give us instructions and help us to apply them for the deliverance of our nations, in Jesus name.