Today’s Reading:
PHILIPPIANS 4 : 13; PSALM 27 : 1 – 3

The context in which the word “I can do all things” was uttered by Paul needs to be understood very well. The preceding verses show that Paul was saying that with the help of Christ he could endure or enjoy both scarcity and plenty. People today want to use this verse to do anything, even if it is against the will of God.
But the important thing is that you can do all things through CHRIST’S STRENGTH. Not through your intellect or the many books you have read; not through all the night vigils on the mountain. You can do all things through Christ. Put your faith in that Christ, not in man-made religion and counterfeit Christianity that many peddle today.
Beloved, what are you going through today that is not easy? You can get through it through Christ. How? He supplies the strength you need to move on. It seems you cannot endure more than this! All your flesh strongly desires is to give up. But help has come to you today. You will get to that promised blessing that God has prepared for you. You will not get lost on the way in Jesus name.
Do you want to upgrade yourself educationally, and you think about the time and the non-availability of the required finance? Help has come to you in Jesus name.
Anything you want to do according to the will of God, receive Divine strength to do them now in Jesus name.
1. Father, I thank you for the gift of life and the grace to know you, in Jesus name.
2. O God, let the strength of Jesus Christ come upon my life, in Jesus name
3. I receive Divine motivation to get to my promised land, in the name of Jesus.
4. As from today, I say no to failure and disappointment in every aspect of my life, in Jesus name
5. Father, I walk in your strength to achieve the goal you have set for me in life, in Jesus name.