Today’s Reading:
Proverbs 3:1-8 (6)
"In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognise Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]." (v. 6 AMPV)

Today's passage encourages us to above all, have faith in God through Jesus Christ and not to lean on our own understanding, thinking or reasoning (vv. 5-6). When we are bent on or compelled to reason out things our own ways, we will lack faith in God. Because self-reasoning is not having faith, and without faith, no one can please God (Hebrews.11: 1, 6).
The religious leaders of Jesus' time missed it all because of unbelief. They were busy, reasoning out, debating on what Jesus Christ says - the implications of what he said, He is talking blasphemy, no one can forgive sin except God, and so on (Mark 2:6-8).
When we completely surrender to, trust God and seek his will, He blesses us. When we are faithful with God, His correction benefits us. We are to read, memorize, meditate on his word. When His word dwells richly in us, it becomes an integral part of our lives and we start to act on it. His promise is that when we obey His laws, we are more likely to live many years with peace; though evil people sometimes outlive righteous people (Eccl.7:15-18). But wickedness always has its negative and psychological consequences. God himself guides us by the wisdom embodied in his word.
"Do not be wise in your own eyes" (v.7). We should not let the thought that we can run the affairs of our lives and do a good job without God's help and direction, ever cross our minds. Leaning on God is comfort, although it may be a challenge to some; but there is security in knowing that the Lord is willing to lead us by each day. And so, let us not become too attached to our plans and efforts to the extent that we resist God's redirection and timing.
We are the work of God's hands and so cannot judge him, decides where he would put us, or preconceived where is befitting for Him to put us. God engineers everything; whenever he puts us, our greatest aim and response to him should be to pour out a wholehearted devotion and gratitude to him in that particular work. And as we trust Him he will direct our steps and ways into his plan for our lives.
Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe
Father, thank you for your love and concerns for me. Wherever you put me, empower me to love and serve you with all my heart and my best, in Jesus name.
2My Father of everlasting grace and great wonders, if I am not in your plan for my life this year 2020, reposition me in Jesus name.
Father, uproot every secret stranger from the house of my life, assigned to misdirect my ways from the kingdom of darkness, in Jesus name.
Father, uproot everything you have not planted in your church and revive your Pentecostal power and fire in Jesus name
Father, thank you for sustaining the nation with your mighty presence. Bulldoze and destroy strongholds of wickedness and revive your work. Let there be peace, love, harmony of purpose and progress in Jesus name. Amen.