Today’s Readings:
Ecclesiastes 1:2-11; Psalm 90:3-6,12-14,17; Luke 9:7-9
We are curious beings. We want to know the future. Not just the future but our future. We want to know if everything will make sense in the end. We want to know if one Naira will eventually be equal to one dollar. Yet, we do not want to know the specifics. We want to have some measure of control over our lives and decisions. Herein lies the irony of life - we want to be free to the extent that we can control the situations of our lives. What if I told you that there is a part of life that is totally up to you and another part that you have absolutely no control over?
Today, the Gospel shows us that curiosity is not always positive. Herod, wanted to see Jesus but for the wrong reason. He was told that John the Baptist, whom he beheaded had risen from the dead. Naturally, he was curious. Sometimes, we seek Jesus not for his own sake but because of what we hope to get from Him. We should never entertain such curiosity with regard to Jesus. He is God and He has already revealed his identity to us.
In the Gospel acclamation (from John 14:6), he says: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me".
This means that He puts to rest our fears about the future since He is the way to heaven.
He satisfies our curiosity about what is true or false, what is real and unreal, what is certain and uncertain since He is the truth.
He is the Life, our key to resolving the past, the path through the present and our door into the future. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is faithful and will never fail you.
How should you respond to his invitation today?
Begin your day in gratitude for the gift of life. Thank God in your prayers.
Commit yourself (mind, body and soul) to God. Ask Him to take control of all that you shall think, speak and do today.
Ask God to forgive your past sins and fill your heart with remorse for how much your sins offend him and keeps you away from his blessings.
Pray for a deep knowledge of God's love for you and ask for the grace to cooperate with his plans.
Fix your heart on the things above and pray only for the things you truly need in order to achieve eternal happiness (resist the temptation to set your heart on vanities).
Live today fully. Be present to everyone and everything you have the privilege of knowing and being a part of. Cherish every moment before it is lost forever.
Question to meditate upon: What is your greatest fear?
Lord, thank you so much for giving us one more day and opportunity to know, love, serve you and making you known to everyone we meet, in Jesus name.
Drive away every fear and regret of our past failures, in Jesus name.
Fill us with faith in You, hope in your promises and love for your holy will, in Jesus name.
May our choices and decisions today be pleasing to you, in Jesus name. Amen.