Today’s Readings:
1 Peter 5:5-14;
Psalm 89:2-3,6-7,16-17;
Mark 16:15
In 2020, the Church celebrated Easter without a congregation. We streamed Easter Sunday Mass on Facebook so that the faithful can participate from home. Typically, during a live stream, people comment to show that they are following what is going on. As people wished each other "Happy Easter", someone commented "What is Easter?" From his account name, I could tell he was of Asian descent and certainly not Christian. Some people tried to explain to him that Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. But I couldn't tell if that was sufficient to help him understand. I knew right then that we still have a lot of work on our hands.
It should bother you that you are working hard to make heaven and some others do not know about God or heaven or act like it is not important? It is a gift to have faith in God and believe that this world is only a stepping stone to a more permanent form of life. But it is a blessing to share your faith and enlighten those who do not have a clue. This is not a suggestion; it is a divine imperative. Jesus says to his disciples (and this includes you and I): “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation. He who believes and is baptised will be saved; he who does not believe will be condemned.”
How will you know those who are ignorant of the faith? They are everywhere. They are in your contact, at your place of work, they are your friends and associates. They are family members. They are sometimes strangers you come in contact with. It is safer to presume that they do not know Christ; use every opportunity you have to share aspects of your faith in Christ. It can be through a kind action to them, sharing spiritual content on your space or simply being friendly. The salvation of the world rests on your response to God’s command. Heaven has more than enough rooms for all of us. So, bring in as many people as you can because honestly, you will only enter into heaven in the company of those you have won over to God’s kingdom.
How can you bring people into God’s Kingdom, starting today?
HUMILITY – Ask God to work through you.
COMPASSION – Have a sincere desire for the material and spiritual welfare of others.
COLLABORATION – Work with others to actively spread the Gospel using your gifts and talents.
CELEBRATION – Share the good works that others are doing. Celebrate their gifts and talents. Some people in your circle will respond positively to what they are doing.
KNOW THE TERRAIN – The devil will constantly try to foil your good works by reminding you of your past failures or your insecurities. When he reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.
YOU HAVE AUTHORITY – God has blessed you with gifts and powers that you will manifest when you stay united to him in prayer, by reading the scriptures daily and frequenting the Sacraments.
Through the powerful intercession of Saint Mark who used his literary skills to spread the Gospel, may God empower you with the insight and zeal to spread the faith always and everywhere and to use words only when necessary.
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and all that dwell therein.
Father, thank You for giving Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for the sin of the world.
Lord Jesus, our Redeemer, our Master and our Friend, thank You for bearing the pain, the shame, the agony the abandonment on the cross for our sake.
For this purpose, the Son of God was made manifest, that He may destroy the works of the devil.
O Lord let Your kingdom come; let Your rule begin; break with Your rod the tyrannies of sin, in Jesus name.
Create in me O Lord a new heart and renew a right, humble and teachable spirit within me in Jesus name.
O Lord, that I may know You, and experience the power of Your resurrection, in Jesus name.