Today’s Readings:
Genesis 32:23-33
Psalm 17:1-3,6-8
Matthew 9:32-37

Most of us have bought into the idea that the comfortable life is the better life. We equate joy with material comfort and freedom from pain and we ask ourselves "Why the stress?" Nothing is further from the truth. We are more likely to succeed when the rules are harder, the stakes are higher, the road narrower, the competition stiffer and conditions are less favourable. This is because there is something in us which screams for greatness which comes from overcoming odds and emerging victorious. Meditate on the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: “The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness.”
Jacob was forced to grow out of the comfort of his mother’s bosom and face the harshness of life head on. He ended up in the house of Laban who exerted 14 whole years of labour from him in order for him to marry Rachel, after he was tricked into marrying Leah first. It was as though he was being paid back for his sins against Esau. God does not punish us in the way we think of punishment. God respects justice and justice demands that we receive the consequence of our actions. But the pains of justice should lead us back to God who alone can write straight on crooked lines. Jacob eventually meets an angel and wrestles with him and God blessed him and gave him a new name (“Israel”) because of his resilience. If you engage life’s situations backed with the grace of God, through prayer, you will be unstoppable. As Saint Paul says, “All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
You may be going through some challenges. You attain with difficulty what others gain with ease. You may even be led by your situation to think that God is indifferent or even malicious towards you. The truth is that no one has it easy. We are all just good at covering up our pains and struggle. Besides, what is an easy life? A life of comfort and free from pain? So long as we are in this world, riddled with sin and imperfections, we will encounter difficulties, we will occasionally suffer defeat or loss. Jesus too encountered misunderstanding for doing good. The Pharisees accused him of casting out devils by the power of the devil. Rather than belly-ache over this, he moved on to take care of people who still had needs. Jesus is our model and he has promised us, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world...These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace” (John 16:33).
May Saint Benedict who left the world to pursue a life of Christian perfection in monastic living inspire us to seek God above all things. Also, get a Saint Benedict medal today. Wearing this medal is powerful against Satan and the fallen angels encroaching evil. It stands for the power of prayer in times of temptation and suffering. It is also strong against fire attacks.
They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion which cannot be removed but abides for ever.
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwells in the heavens
If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say;
If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us.
Lord, deliver me from an inordinate attachment to pleasure and comfort but hold firmly to Your providence, protection and grace through Christ our Lord.
O Lord visit Christian homes with Your mercy and awake them to their divine responsibility in bring up their children/wards in Your righteous path, in Jesus name.
O Lord, align the body of Christ to properly fit into Your plan for the Church at this season, in Jesus name.
O Lord, in Your mercy, instil Your fear in our leader, strengthen them into Your plan to boldly govern the nation according to Your will, in Jesus name. Amen.