Today’s Reading:
Galatians 6:1-10 (2)
"Brothers, If anyone is caught in any sin, you who are spiritual (that is, you who are responsive to the guidance of the Spirit) are to restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness (not with a sense of superiority or self-righteousness), keeping a watchful eye on yourself, so that you are not tempted as well." (vv.1-2 Amplified Version)
In our Christian living, we are each responsible to account for our actions. But anyone more spiritual who wants to correct others living in sin must do so with care, humility and without being proud of their achievements. If not, one would realise that one is more susceptible to the same temptation to sin (Rom 3:9-20).
It could be that some of the Galatians were proud of their obedience to the law or about their spiritual freedom and will power. Paul admonished that when correcting fellow Christians who have sinned, we should deal with their weaknesses in love, humbly with patience and not with pride. Our mental attitude should be of a ‘holy fear’ of pride and be careful of judging others or being unnecessarily critical of such a person (vv.1-3). Those with a proud attitude wrongly feel they are too important when helping the weak. We are to learn to get along with one another, because we do not think nor speak, nor act the same way. As members of the household of God, forgiveness should form an integral part of us. We are not to make any unholy comparison to ourselves or with other people as this may lead to self-conceit (vv. 3-4). We are to measure our lives by the standard of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In all we do we should back our actions up with the Scripture so that we will be doing things pleasing to God. One is not here condoning misconduct, which should be boldly confronted, but rather in a loving way. No matter how difficult things may be, we should spare time needed to bear and endure the troublesome faults of others. Humility allows us to be patient with the mistakes of others. As we deal with ourselves in love, we are to stand in gap as well in prayer for the supposed sinner. In this way, God will intervene and deal with the sinner and the faults. In correcting others ,we should remember that we also will reap what we sow for if we sow mercy, we will reap mercy in our time of need.
In bearing with the faults and weaknesses of others , we let the word of God be our guide. By this we are strengthened and are able to do what God demands of us. Jesus Christ himself said he has not come to the earth to judge sinners. And the command he gave us regarding relationship is to love one another as he loves us (5:14; Jn. 13:34; 15:12). When we study and meditate upon related verses of the word of God, the Holy Spirit is able to checkmate pride and make the task light and smooth for us. We should remember that pride in itself is sin and it is the root of several broken relationships.
Signs of pride among others are unwillingness to admit fault or reluctance to take responsibility for our actions. Pride wants to do all the talking, and not listen to others. Pride does not make peace. Pride is stubborn, it does not want to take directions, it wants to take the central stage. Pride is bent on dealing with the sinner.
Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ! Do so today as tomorrow might be too late.
Father, thank you for your love, mercy, care, and affection; and for the knowledge that You have not come to the world to condemn sinners, but to lovingly reconcile them to God the father.
Father, I ask for mercy and forgiveness of every sin causing disunity and powerlessness in the community of faith, in Jesus name.
Father, release conscientious, committed labourers into your vineyard, in Jesus name.
Father let your kingdom come, O Christ, let your rule begin, break with your iron rod the tyrannies of sin, oppression, and wickedness in our nations, in Jesus name.
Father, arise and bring the poor and helpless people out of the judgment of darkness, in Jesus name.