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  • Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



Today’s Readings:

Psalm 33:1-12,

Gen. 13:1-18, 2

Peter 2: 17-22


When a way seems good to a man contrary to the way of God, it surely leads to destruction. When God points a man to walk a path, He only wants his plan and purpose to come to reality and fulfilment; but anyone who refuses to follow God’s path will fall into dungeon (Jer.6:16-17). Following God’s path is obeying God’s precepts – anyone who does what God wants puts on the resemblance of God. Somebody who sees what God sees, who goes where God directs represents God perfectly well in every way. Anyone who acknowledges the supremacy of God discerns the mind of God – there is nothing about God that is hidden from him, because he has access to God all the time.

He has all the attributes of God which are displayed in him. He acknowledges and adores God in praises and through the awesome works of God. He must demonstrate the charisma of “peace making” to portray the likeness of the Prince of Peace because blessed are the peace maker, they shall be called the sons of God (Matt. 5:9). Peace-making is what God desires and a peace maker always receive blessing from God; he earns protection, favour, and he is multiplied in all facets of life. His battles are fought by God and he would be placed on leadership position over the people who want him to fall. It is good to come to be on the Lord’s side because people who are not on God’s side end up being uncelebrated. They are compared to a waterless well – whirl wind will chase them away; darkness will eat them up (2 Peter 2:17).




  1. God, help me to build friendship with you, in Jesus name.

  2. God, always make me a victor over my enemies, in Jesus name.

  3. God, I do not want bitter and uncelebrated ending in my experiences on this earth, in Jesus name.

  4. God, always let me see reason to praise your name, in Jesus name.

  5. God, please make your salvation real in all corners of this nation in Jesus mighty name we pray Amen

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