Today’s Reading:
Matthew 24:15-27
“And woe unto them that are with child, And to them that give suck in those days!” (v. 19 KJV)
Jesus is coming back to judge both the living and the dead. When He comes what will He find you doing? In the passage read, Jesus told the disciple when He was about to finish His teaching about the Second coming in verse 27, “for as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man.” There are no controversies about Jesus second coming because, He said it by Himself during His teaching with disciples in verse 27 of the bible reading. In verse 19, Jesus said how dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mother. The question is what did Jesus meant by using the word pregnant women and nursing mother? Literally, we will say women who are carry a baby in the womb and those who are breast feeding their child. No, this is not what Jesus meant. Jesus was using figurative expression to describe those who are having grudges against themselves and never settle it to forgive each other.
As you are waiting for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, He must not meet you when fighting with each other, or keeping malice, or grudges that you did not allow it to settle, or nursing fight or hatred in your mind. These kinds of people will not go with Jesus Christ to His Father kingdom. Please, try to settle your dispute with your disputant.
1. Father LORD, give me the spirit of meekness and humility to relate with others in my environment and household, in Jesus name.
2. My Father, empower me with Holy Spirit to overcome temptation and trial that comes my way, in Jesus name.
3. I pray that the God of wisdom will give me wisdom and understanding to live a holy life and teach me to be faithful to Him in all my ways, in Jesus name.
4. Father Lord, help me to live rightly according to Your will so that when You come back, I will not be guilty of Your law, in Jesus name.