Today’s Reading:
2 Corin. 11:1-4 (Ex. 34:14)
"For you shall not worship any other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous
(impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His]. (Ex. 34:14 AMPV)

The first and the second commandments especially, forbid Israel to worship other gods and have any other idols (Ex. 20). Importantly, the idols of the people whose land they were going to occupy, in the Promise Land. The core of this restriction is the prohibition of treaties, or covenant with these idol worshipping race.
Making of treaty in the ancient Near East recognises their gods as witness to the treaty. And existence of such treaty would pre-dispose, make Israel to take on the social attitude, the ways and culture of their treaty partners (34:12-17).
Also, idol worship by both pagans and Israel is classified as harlotry. Pagan worship is not directed towards God and it is not neutral.
In analysing the level of jealousy in animals, a University of California researcher Professor Christine Harris, in 2014 used a stuffed dog to show that animals are capable of jealousy. She asked dog owners to show affection to the stuffed dog in the presence of their dog. The result was that three-fourth of the dogs responded with envy. Some tried to draw attention with their gentle nudge, while others tried to push the stuffed dog away from their owners. Few went as far as to snap at their supposed rival.
It was realised that the jealousy in a dog can be heart-warming. But in human beings, it is not admirable, it can lead to a man or woman harming or killing the rival. We have read of instances where lovers go to the extent of pouring acid on their rivals, hiring killers against their rivals, or shooting their rivals with gun in the newspapers.
Moses and Apostle Paul are reminding us that there is yet another jealousy, that marvellously reflects the core of God's heart for His creation - man that He has created in His own image.
Paul presented himself as the bride's father presenting the bride (Corinthians) undefiled to the Bridegroom (Christ). He uses the metaphor of a wedding to warn the Corinthians that Satan the father of all lies, would seek to, device means keep them away from the simplicity of the gospel. He did not want them to be led astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ (2Corin. 11:2-3). Again, such jealousy reflects the heart of God in the Ten Commandments through Moses.
Our own jealousy is selfish and self-centred. But God's jealousy is from a heart which expresses His protective zeal for his creation whom He has saved by grace. By the painful death of his Only Beloved Son, Jesus Christ on the Cross. God made us, rescued us from destruction and reconciled us to Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ, so that we may experience His original love, protection, provision grace and mercy designed for man at creation.
We do not need to shun or ask for anything less than God who is passionately, zealous, and jealous for our happiness. God loves each one of us as if He were loving only one. Respond to this love by surrendering your life to the lordship of His Son Jesus Christ today.
Father, thank you for Your love and concern for me; thank you for giving us your Son, Jesus Christ. Empower me to shun anything that would distract me from you, so that I will always experience your love and plan for me, in Jesus Christ.
Let the blood of Jesus wipe of all consequences of Idol worship upon my life, family and family line, in Jesus name.
Every satanic promissory note issued on my behalf by my ancestors, be reversed by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
Every garments of opposition designed for me by ancestral idols, roast and burn to ashes in Jesus name.
Blood of Jesus, Holy Ghost fire, detoxify blood from inherited pollution and acquired filth, in Jesus name.
Father reposition Your Church into your plan for her and let her function to lift Jesus higher and your name be glorified, in Jesus name.
Father demolish strongholds of iniquity and wickedness in the nations, and let your presence be felt in all places, in Jesus name.