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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Luke 7:18-23


Have you ever wondered why out of all animals, horses are most suitable for war?

  1. It is Swift and does not get tired easily

  2. It is not easily scared of blazing swords.

  3. It is not afraid of water and or fire as long as the man riding wants it to go in that direction but on sighting the smallest rubber snake, it becomes confused, fearful, and uncontrollable.

Today's passage is about John the Baptist (Luke 3:3-8) when he was held bound in prison for reproving Herod the Tetrarch when he took the wife of his brother (Luke 3:19-20) but why will a man greatly revered by men and heavenly esteemed be found in this confused state of mind?

Remember, it took God to personally speak to Joshua to reassure him that He will not leave him as he steps into Moses’ position to lead almost 3million people to the promised land. Again, Joseph the dreamer (Genesis 37:5-7,9-10) also Pharaoh's second- in- command (Genesis 41:41) who went from prison to prison (Genesis 37:27-28;39:1,20) began his prison journey from age 17-30 years old (Genesis 41:46),and when his future seemed blank and endless with rigour and pain, he began to ask for help (Genesis 40:14).

How about brother Job?

A man in the land of Uz (Job 1:1)

Who Satan had to go to God for approval to torment(Job 1:12;2:7) and even his wife and three best friends came to ridicule and discourage.

But thank God for Jesus (Revelation 5:5) while praying in the garden of Gethsemane asking that the cup of suffering be taken away from him and also said,’ nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt’ (Matthew 26:39).

It was not recorded how long John the Baptist was held bound or how long Job was tormented and afflicted without respite. Glory be to God that there was no opportunity for John the Baptist to call the king privately for an amicable settlement when he thought that Jesus’ government was of the earth.



  1. Lord Jesus, always help me to see you guide me through my extremely dark hours, in Jesus name.

  2. May no situations of this world snatch me away from you; let my hope be built on nothing else than in Jesus’ blood and righteousness, in Jesus name.

  3. I pray that from this moment on, it shall not be my will but Your will, in Jesus name.

  4. Just as you came to reassure Joshua and encourage Jesus, Lord reassure and encourage me wherever I may be, in Jesus name.

  5. Lord, you helped Joseph, Joshua, Job and Jesus, help us who are called by Your name in Nigeria; may we not lose focus on eternity, in Jesus name.

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