Today’s Reading:
Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19
“What shall I render to the Lord, for all his benefits toward me” (v. 12)
The human nature looks forward for benefits, and if not rendered, may cause disaffection or even withdrawal of one from another. Therefore, benefits are desired from each other. “Benefit” refers to any advantage, whether natural or spiritual; a kindness; a favour. “Render” means to give up; to give back, return or give back in return. The benefits, both natural and spiritual, that come from God to mankind in general are too numerous to mention, starting from the gift of life (soul and breath), to those seen and unseen, known and unknown advantages/privileges. God floods us with His kindness, favours and mercies continuously.
In our Text of today, the Psalmist identifies God’s benefits to him (v6, 8), which are also common to other people – God hearing his voice and supplication, inclined ears to him, saved when brought low, deliverance from death and from falling, and eyes delivered from tears. The great Psalmist and king, David, in Psalm 103:3-5 reels out some benefits of God which he enjoyed while on earth – forgiveness from his iniquity, healing of all diseases, redemption of his life from destruction, crowned with lovingkindness and tender mercies and mouth satisfied with good things, so that his youthfulness was renewed like that of an eagle. Apart from these, he was overwhelmed with God’s mercy and His grace (vs 8-10, 12, 17). It is pertinent to note what David said about those who fear God, who keep his commandments and covenant. He said that they attract greater benefits, especially His mercy, which will be on them from everlasting to everlasting and his righteousness to children’s children (vs 11, 17).
Given the human nature, one wonders what should be rendered (given back) to God for all His benefits! The Psalmist in our Text today mentioned what he gave in return for God’s benefits – calling upon God as long as he lived (v2), calling upon his name (v13), vowing to him and paying the vow (v14 & 18), thanksgiving (v17), praise (v19) and also worship. David in Ps. 103:1, 2, 20-22 reeled out what he rendered to God: his soul blessed God, not forgetting his benefits, asking the angels of God, all His hosts and all His works to bless him. The Psalmist in Ps. 50:14 confirms that thanksgiving and paying of vows to God should be rendered for his benefits. How and where should we render the above in return for God’s benefits? These should include within our souls, never forgetting them, but always recounting them to ourselves and others as testimonies; by taking up the cup of salvation; calling on his name; paying our vows; offering of sacrifice of thanksgiving.
All of these should be rendered in the presence of all his people (church); in the courts of His house and in the midst of “Jerusalem” (whenever He has or puts his name) (vs 18-19). It is obvious that as humans we can hardly ever render enough to God for all His benefits. May He accept all we ever render to Him in appreciation.
Father, we can never thank you enough for all your benefits to us.
Father, we appreciate firstly the benefit of salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ.
Precious Lord, thank you for the benefit of your life to us and all other gifts we are deriving from your sacrifice.
Lord, teach us to continuously render to You our all till the end of our days, in Jesus name.
Father teach the Church to render all that need to be given to you, and be example to the world, especially our nation.