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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe

Today’s Reading:

Psalm 49:6-20

“For he sees wise men die; likewise, the fool and the senseless person perish and leave their wealth to others.” (v. 10)



Wealth is a common word which is easily related to every culture, community and nation. It is generally viewed as material riches, possessions and prosperity. Biblically, “true wealth” encompasses more than material or monetary riches, it also includes spiritual treasures which include wisdom, character, faith, etc which are invaluable. Mention is also made of “Relational Wealth” (Pr. 22:1) which refers to a good reputation and being well esteemed, and so on. “Biblical wealth” is also defined as the ability to experience and enjoy God’s blessings, such as godly wisdom, contentment, knowledge, etc. No wonder it is said in Prov. 10:22 that the blessings of the Lord make one rich and He adds no sorrow with it.

While it is true that man may acquire wealth through inheritance, investments, hard work, fraud robbery or stealing, true wealth and riches come from God, to whom they belong. (1 Chr. 29:12, Deut. 10:14-177, Ps. 24:1, Hag 2:8, Ps. 50:10, Ex. 19:5). God gives man riches and wealth from all He owns. In Deut. 8:18, Moses told the Israelites to remember the Lord, since He is the One who gives the ability to produce wealth. In Phil. 4:19, God promises to supply all our needs from his glorious riches. In Eccl. 5:19, it is confirmed that God gives riches and wealth, and also power to eat of them. The Scripture mentions people like King Solomon, Abraham, Job, etc, who had great wealth and riches. In this dispensation, as believers, we have been made rich because Christ has given us His riches. In 2 Cor. 8:9, it is recorded that though He was rich, for our sake He became poor so that by his poverty we might become rich. Paul confirms also in 1 Cor. 4:8 that believers in Corinth then were already full and rich and reigning as Kings. As believers, we will continue to reign as kings in life, through the righteousness of Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:17), who has given us his riches.

Let us look at the knowledge and perspective of man about wealth.

In our Today’s reading, we read that men trust in their wealth; and boast in the multitude of their riches (v6); their inner thought is that their houses will last forever, and their dwelling places will last to all generations (v11); they call their lands after their names; and while they live they bless themselves (v18). However, they do not think or recognize that they will not remain, but are like beasts that perish (v12); they die and go down to the grave and carry nothing away with them (v17, 18); they shall go to the generation of their fathers (v19); and their glory and honour do not descend after them into the grave. They shall never see light.

Now, let us look at God’s perspectives on wealth, being the true owner.

 It is pertinent to note that no one can teach God knowledge (Job 21:22), and the depth of his riches both of wisdom and knowledge are unsearchable (Rom 11:33). God gives out of his wealth or gives the ability to produce/get wealth to men. Therefore, no one has the right to trust in or boast in any wealth. As believers in God and Christ, we live in the consciousness that the wealth we ever get on earth is temporary and perishable. But gladly, we have imperishable wealth in heaven, which includes: crowns, robes, riches, and rewards. We are also aware that we may die on earth if Jesus tarries, but we would not perish in the grave. Rather, our souls and spirits go back to heaven, awaiting the Rapture when we shall be caught up in the air with Jesus and live with him forever in the Father’s Kingdom. Then, we would be able to enjoy the wealth already stored up for us there (Matt. 6:19-20, John 14:2, Col. 3:22, 2 Tim 4:8, Rev. 22:12, Jam. 1:12, 1 Pet 1:4).

From the foregoing, it is instructive that no one should depend on the wealth of this earth, rather, that in heaven. God’s perspective about wealth is too different from man’s perspective. While God’s wealth is unperishable and everlasting, man’s is perishable and temporary. It is, therefore, instructive that we are on God’s side so that we can have his perspective. This is possible simply by believing and accepting the redemptive work of His Son, Jesus Christ. One becomes born again, saved and automatically inherits the wealth of God and his Son, which are already stored up in heaven for believers (Rev. 21:5-7).

                                                                        CHRISTIE KUPOLUYI


To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I have your voice today, and acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness (Confess your sins), in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart, lead me in Your path of righteousness and write my name in Your book of life. Thank you, Lord.”

If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a Bible-believing and living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.



  1. Father in heaven, we acknowledge that you are the only God in heaven and on earth, to whom all things belong because you made them.

  2. Lord Jesus, we thank you for the work of salvation you did for mankind, and the Father rewarded you with all the wealth in heaven.

  3. Precious Lord, help us all to accept your salvation and, therefore, qualify to be joint heirs with you to inherit all of heaven’s wealth.

  4. Father, help the church to win the lost souls so that the wealth of heaven already available to all will not be wasted at the last.

  5. Father, please open the eyes of the people of this nation to the wealth you have given it, so that they will not be wasted.

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