1 Kings 19:9,11-13
Psalm 85:9-14
Romans 9:1-5
Matthew 14:22-33

“How do I know that it is God that is speaking to me?” If you have ever asked this question before, here are a few tips that can help you from the readings of the nineteenth Sunday in ordinary time:
Silence – As our world grows increasingly noisy, silence is a scarce commodity that you should seek at all costs. The surest way to hear from God is by shutting out every source of noise from the big screen in your living room to the little mobile device that is eating up much of your free time. Disconnect from the world and create times during your day when you can be silent, and God will speak to you in the gentle breeze of your heart where He is always present.
Prayer – The lifting up of mind and heart is still the best way to encounter God. Since God is everywhere, punctuate your day with prayer. Pray for your needs and pray for other people. I believe that when a person crosses my mind, God is reminding me to pray for them. It is a beautiful way to strengthen the communion we all share as children of God. God will bless you on the road you take to pray for the needs of others.
Suffering – Pain and suffering serve as reset buttons, calling us to the realization that our relationship with God comes before anything else. It was when the disciples were battling a headwind on the sea that they noticed Christ walking on the water towards them. They did not need him when the sea was calm. We too take God for granted when the going is good. But then we run to him when we have been served “breakfast”. Troubled times are opportunities to realise your need for Christ and to walk towards Him as Peter did, all the while crying out, “Lord! Save me!”
Dreams and Messages – A lot of people take dreams and prophecies very seriously and they should. But even these can be manipulated by the evil one. How do we know which dreams and prophecies are from God? When Jesus appeared to His disciples, walking on water, he said to them, “Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.” Fear is not of God. God’s revelation does not cause us to worry. Authentic revelation always bears the hallmark of hope. Anyone who gives you a message in hopes of filling you with fear is not of God and you should pray against such revelations.
The Holy Spirit – A lot becomes clearer when you favour a relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is not the exclusive gift of a few. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the whole Church, so that each of us has a direct connection to our Heavenly Father. Through the Holy Spirit, we dare to call God “Abba, Father”. At Baptism, you were immersed into a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At confirmation, you were sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Don’t you see how powerful God Himself has made you?
Speak to God today. Participate fully in church fellowship. If you are praying for a specific favour and it is delayed in coming, remain in prayer (“My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word” – Psalm 130:5). You shall not wait in vain. Your labour shall never be in vain. God will deliver you from every evil. You shall run and not grow weary. Your strength shall be renewed as you wait on God. That which you have been praying for (peace in your marriage, deliverance from sinful addiction unforgiveness and malice, financial breakthrough and special favour, barrenness and marital delay), God has answered your prayer. Claim your victory today, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion. They will not be defeated but will endure forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods, His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to Him who alone does mighty miracles; His faithful love endures forever.
Father, give me more and more grace and peace as I grow in my knowledge of You and of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Help me to be on guard so that I will not lose my secured footing.
O Lord, deliver me from the deceiver, the destroyer and the evil one, that I may serve You without fear, in holiness and righteousness all the days of my life, in Jesus' name.
Father, uphold Christian families with the knowledge of Your truth, that they may bring honour and glory to Your holy name, in Jesus' name.
Father, align our children, youths and young adults in your path of righteousness and holiness, in Jesus' name.
Father, as sojourners and pilgrims here on earth, unite the body of Christ and empower her to abstain from fleshly lusts that war against our souls so that God may be glorified in us all, in Jesus' name.
Merciful God, Compassionate God, visit war-torn nations of the world with your love and mercy, comfort, heal, restore and replenish hurting, depressed souls and those that lost hope of living, in Jesus' name.