Today’s Readings:
Psalm 99
1Kings 8:54-65
John 3:31-36

To enjoy God’s benefits, we have to walk with him in perfection. God hates sin with perfect hatred so we must hate sin too with perfect hatred. God resists the proud so we must resist the proud. God told Abraham to walk with him in perfection and be blameless and Abraham did just that and became the father of all nations. Enoch walked with God in perfection and he did not die because God took him.
We have to be perfect because God our Father is perfect. Jesus stated emphatically that the prince of this world came to Him and found nothing to hold unto. Nothing to accuse Him of because He was perfect. Apostle Paul pointed to the route in which we get perfection. In Hebrews 5:8-9 He stated of Jesus’s perfection that though Jesus was a Son yet learned to be obedient by the things which He suffered and being made perfect He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. In effect, we need to be obedient to God’s words by obeying and following his commandments. We should love the Lord our God with all our hearts, might and soul and we should love our neighbour as ourselves. What this means is that we should learn to say NO TO SIN. Flee from all appearances of evil. We must live a holy life because our God is holy. Follow peace with all men so that we can see God.
Our obligation towards God must be excellently performed. We beautify God when we proclaim the gospel, when we play our own role in the church through paying our tithes our offerings, helping the needy, studying the word and being an example to others through our character. We say no to lies, adultery, fornication, drunkenness, envy, jealousy, backbiting, hypocrisy, tale-bearing and all. I pray that the Lord will give us the Grace to walk with him in perfection in Jesus name. Amen.
Anointing to walk with God in perfection fall upon me, in the name of Jesus.
Oh God of perfection perfect everything that concerns me, in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord my father by your mercy perfect me and my family’s imperfection, in the name of Jesus.
Every spirit of imperfection troubling the movement of the power of God in our Church be removed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Let the anointing of perfection fall upon our leaders oh Lord, in the name of Jesus.