Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 40:27-31

In our walk with God, and in the face of trouble, oppression, hostility, tribulation, and vicissitude of life, God has bestowed upon us power, authority, strength, spiritual weapons, and wisdom to go through patiently, and come out victoriously and triumphing in Him. Even though the time of waiting is a season of trial, a time of despair, a time of trouble, when we are praying and anxiously awaiting God’s miracle on our request. The waiting period is the period between which a prayer is prayed, and the answer is manifested. Imagine you experiencing toothache from say Friday evening to Monday morning when you will have to see the dentist. Think of the pain, the discomfort, the restlessness, not being able to eat well on that side of the tooth and so on. And praying that there would be a healing miracle, and nothing happened. Imagine also making a frantic prayer request for something, say healing, money to pay house rent, school fees of your children, waiting for the Lord to fix a broken marriage and so on. Some prayers are answered quickly, while some are delayed, and some are not answered at all. Many with very serious ailments, would even doubt if God exists. Does it then mean that God does not love you any more or that God is cruel? NO! This is our weak and vulnerable period, which if care is not taken, can open doors of affliction in one’s life. The waiting on God period should be a time for learning more about and trusting God. The painful waiting period can be a time to find our purpose in life. The waiting period should be a period of spiritual growth, but it can be challenging and harrowing.
Today, we are looking at the testimony story of Joni Eareckson Tada’s waiting on the Lord for a healing prayer. Joni radiant with love, humour, raw honesty and grit is an American born on October 15, 1949. In 1967 at the age of 17 years, she decided to go swimming. She dived into the Chesapeake Bay, not realising how shallow the water was. She fractured her fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae which left her paralysed from the shoulders down. At first, this was tough for her. She kept praying for healing but year after year, nothing happened. She had doubted whether God was real, and kept desperately struggling to live. Years after, in her wheelchair while ruminating on her life experience, she concluded in her thought that someday she would take her wheelchair to heaven in her new glorified body, she would stand on her resurrected legs next to the Lord Jesus Christ, would feel the nail prints in His hands, and mainly, genuinely say ‘thank You Jesus’ from the deepest part of her heart. Knowing fully well that, at that time, Jesus would recognise her from a deeper sanctum as sharing in the fellowship of his suffering. He would realise that she is not offering a hallow gratitude. She would let Jesus know that he was right putting her in the wheelchair, although it was trouble, the weaker she was on it, the harder she leaned on Jesus, and the harder she leaned on Jesus, the stronger she discovered Him as being faithful. If it were not for the weakness of the wheelchair, she would never have discovered the glory of the grace of God. So, thank you, Lord Jesus. If You like, You may now send the wheelchair to hell.
During the waiting period, our prayer should be that God should go through whatever we are going through with us, encourage, and supply the strength and wisdom we need. That God should give us an understanding of His workings and give us knowledge. Although this may be difficult, it is the right prayer needed at this period. Joni gave her life to Christ in between the waiting period and came to realise that no waiting period on God is wasted. For many of us like Joni Eareckson, it takes tribulation for God to get our attention. It is wonderful today to see, hear, or read about what God is doing in the life and ministry of Joni Eareckson while still waiting for answers to her prayers. It is not appropriate to ask God to take away the challenge because he has not promised that we would not go through challenges.
Today at 75 years, Joni Eareckson Tada is an evangelical Christian author, radio host, artist, and founder of ‘Joni and Friends, an organisation ‘accelerating Christian ministry in the disability community’. Joni got married in 1982 to Ken Tada. While waiting on God the first thing is to admit that the period is not a comfortable one, but a very uneasy, hard, agonizing period, especially if it is for a crucial healing. The most beautiful and interesting thing about it is that it is a period of change in the hand of God, to whoever and whatever He wants us to be for His service and His glory. If care is not taken, the waiting period could turn into a period of depression, but in it all, God is with us. Joni Eareckson Tada admitted that at the initial stage of her trial and disability, she was extremely depressed and doubted if God existed. Even though this period is tough, God has promised in the reading of today that, when we go through rivers of difficulty, we will not be drowned. When we walk through the fire of oppression, we will not be burnt up; the flames will not consume us. That those who trust in Him will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Why? Because He is the Lord our God, the Holy One of Israel, our Saviour and Redeemer. He can do all things and He walks in mysterious ways to perform His wonder. He created us to showcase and enforce His supremacy to the world powers.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
God is my hope and strength; a very present help in trouble. Therefore, will I not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountain be carried into the midst of the sea.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not lack any good thing; he makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters; He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for God is with me; His rod and His staff, they comfort me.
The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall, I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war should rise up against me, in this will I be confident.
Thank you, Lord, because I trust in you I will rejoice, and I will forever shout for joy because You defend me. Because I love Your name, I will forever be joyful in You.
Holy Spirit, fill me with Your skilful and godly wisdom, knowledge, understanding, insight, inspiration, discernment and Revelation, in Jesus’ name.
Thank you, Lord, for training my hands to war and my fingers to battle, encouraging me in my battle for survival and my faith, in Jesus’ name.
I put on the whole armour of God, trust in Your strength and rely only on the power that You supply. Lord, encourage me in Jesus’ name.
Lord, walk through the core of the hurting, the oppressed, the persecuted, the helpless, widows, and orphans. With Your mighty power to save, deliver, and transform lives, in Jesus’ name.
Thank You, Lord, that your Church is moving forward and higher; Lord give power to the faint, increase the strength of the weak, uphold the youth and young men that are falling and renew the strength of those waiting on you. Give wings like the eagle to run; increase faith, in Jesus’ name.
O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leads Joseph like a flock; thou that dwells amid cherubim, stir yourself up, look down from heaven on the nations of the world, especially our nation Nigeria. Shine forth your light in the dark places and on the people, in Jesus’ name.