Today’s Readings:
1 Peter 5:1-4
Psalm 23
Matthew 16:13-19

Today, we celebrate the Chair of Saint Peter. This feast commemorates Christ’s choosing Saint Peter to sit in his place as the servant-authority of the whole Church (“On this rock, I will build my church” – Matthew 16:18). The “Cathedra” or chair is a symbol of the special mission of Peter and his Successors to tend Christ's flock, keeping it united in faith and charity.
In recent times, the successor of Saint Peter (the Pope) has come under attack for certain things he has either written or endorsed. Still, he is expected to guide the Church in matters of faith and morals without stumbling or faltering. Saint Peter mentions that a leader is expected to: witness to the sufferings of Christ, shepherd God’s people gladly, not be driven by money or material gain, be a servant and not a dictator and be exemplary. This way, we can hope for a crown of unfailing glory when the chief Shepherd returns (1 Peter 5:1-4).
What is said of the head also applies to each of us. We need servant-followers as much as we need servant-leaders. We serve as leaders when we are:
Good listeners.
Humble and caring.
Courageous and trustworthy.
Community builders.
When we possess integrity and are accountable.
Heal with our words and actions.
Show empathy (understand and share the feelings of another).
Have foresight (see into the future and take appropriate actions).
Possess the power of persuasion
And most importantly, still be human.
May God give you strength and courage to fulfil these demands in your daily life in Jesus’ name. And since leaders are humans, they need support and prayers. We all need to support each other and pray for each other. No one has life figured out—not even Saint Peter. Let us pray for our leader in the faith. Pray also for our political leaders. We pray that they may be wise and compassionate. The mandate that God gives them is for the good of all. As they make the right choices and decisions, may God bless and reward us all through Christ our Lord. Amen.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud:
Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I believe and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank You, Lord! If you said the above short prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
Preserve my faith, dear God, and strengthen those you have chosen to guide us as leaders in the Church and society. May they do Your will and lead your people on the path of peace, justice and prosperity through Christ our Lord. Amen.