Today’s Reading:
1 Sam.16: 11-13 (v.13)
“But as for me, I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘you are my God’’ (v.13)

Something must be truly clear to every Christian about trusting God. God has never promised that there will not be trials and temptations in our journey with Him, but he said that we should be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world (John 16:33). King David was a servant of God, whom God loved dearly, but he was sensitive to trials and temptations. His enemies spread evil nets for him, he was in grief; friends deserted him, he was slandered. They took counsel against him and schemed to take his life (Psalm 3:11-13). But in all these he trusted in the Lord, his God.
God through prophet Samuel anointed David to become king, but enemies chased him to the forest. Even when he became king in Israel, enemies rose against him, but he eventually conquered because he trusted God. That was why he said in (Psalm 28:7) that “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him and I am helped”.
God is aware of the plights, predicaments, trials, tribulations, torments, suffering, hardship that His Children are passing through (Psalm 31:7). But he will not rise to help us as long as we depend on ourselves. Christ said that those who labour and are heavy laden should come to Him and He will give them rest for He is ready to give us rest as long as we trust Him (Matthew 11:28-30). He wants us to trust Him completely in everything in order to show forth His glory in our challenges.
My Father, and my God, always help me to remain steadfast and hold on to you and in all things, in Jesus name.
Father, I ask for the grace to depend on you alone for everything I need in my life in Jesus name.
No matter the trials and temptation of the enemy on my journey to heaven, father help me to trust you in Jesus name.
Lord, take away pride from the heart of our Church leaders and give them grace to surrender all to you in the Jesus name.
Oh, Nigeria receive the grace to trust God for direction, strength, and supply in Jesus name.