Today’s Readings:
1 Kings 2:1-4,10-12
1 Chronicles 29:10-12
Mark 6:7-13

Richard Wright once said: “If a man confessed anything on his death bed, it was the truth; for no man could stare death in the face and lie.” King David, on his deathbed, advised his son Solomon with words that we all should take to heart: “I am going the way of all the earth. Be strong and show yourself a man. Observe the injunctions of the Lord your God, following his ways and keeping his laws, his commandments, his customs and his decrees, as it stands written in the Law of Moses, that so you may be successful in all you do and undertake” (1 Kings 2:2-4). I pray that God’s word may find a home in your heart, transform you, make you obedient and make you a success story in Jesus’ name.
King David identified the secret of success as keeping God’s command—putting God first. We try to put other things first (money, power and relationships) all our lives. The things we consider important in life would not be there without God. Do not wait until you are close to death before you accept the truth. The secret of success is being a man or woman after God’s own heart. Fear the Lord and never offend him or break your relationship with Him. Solomon became the wisest and richest man that ever lived. He is a testament to the truth of David’s words. I pray that you will learn the truth today and be free from error and confusion in Jesus’ name.
May the things of this world (its ideas and practices opposed to God’s law) never suffocate the gift of eternal life that God has given you through Christ our Lord. May your days on earth be spent in service to God and your neighbour, in prayer and fruitful labour, in humility and divine favour, in holiness of life and whole-hearted service to God in full measure. Amen.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud:
Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I believe and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank You, Lord! If you said the above short prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
A blessed new month to you and may God's blessings remain with you always.
May God grant grace and success to the work of your hands and keep you away from sin and evil always, raising you from one level of glory to another in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.