Today’s Readings:
Genesis 2:18-25;
Psalm 128:1-5;
Mark 7:24-30

IT IS A BLESSING to find a man or woman that understands you and accompanies you on life’s journey as a spouse. There are material and emotional benefits. Most of all, there are spiritual benefits. In this part of the world, a person is considered abnormal if they are not married at a certain age. Bachelors in their 30’s are seen to be unserious. People start looking at you differently from your late 20’s if you are a lady. Pressure mounts from home and abroad when you are not married at a certain age. Should you be concerned? Is your lack of concern also a problem?
If you are still single, here are a few things I want you to keep in mind:
MARRIAGE IS A VOCATION, a call from God to partner with him in raising healthy families and a community of love;
MARRIAGE DOES NOT GUARANTEE HAPPINESS and being unmarried does not mean you are under a curse;
MARRIAGE IS FOR ADULTS who have defined their core values (faith, morals and ethical values) which they will hand on to their children. Have you defined your core values?
MARRY WHEN YOU ARE READY and have found the right person;
NO ONE IS TO BLAME for your failure to marry. No one is monitoring you. Trust in God’s timing;
YOUR SUPPOSED DELAY AS AN OPPORTUNITY to both work on yourself and learn from the married folks in preparation for your marriage;
YOU NEED AT LEAST ONE YEAR to possess sufficient knowledge of a person’s character. Do not rush into marriage no matter how old or young you are or how much you are in love;
LIFE-LONG COMPANIONSHIP, fidelity and children are all benefits of marriage. All three are important;
YOUR LIFE IS YOURS and you have to live it by yourself. Do not succumb to pressure from friends or family to marry;
BE CONCERNED for your biological clock but do not be compelled by it to act outside God’s plan. Any plan made without God is sure to fail.
While you wait on God for your spouse, remain in prayer both for yourself and the person you will enter into marriage with. This person will play an important role in your earthly happiness and your eternal salvation. Do not make this decision without careful thought, prayers, careful investigation and the right emotional strength. You shall be fruitful and prosperous. Your spouse shall be a fruitful and diligent vine in the heart of your home. Your children shall flourish like the shoots of olive and be shielded from evil. May the Lord bless you from on high all the days of your life. Amen.
The earth is the Lord’s, and all the fullness, The world and those who dwell therein
O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth.
Lord, make our youths hunger and thirst for You and Your word, in Jesus name.
O Lord, take control in the lives of our marriageable young adults, open their eyes, empower them to make right choices, in Jesus name.
Father visit the troubled nations of the world, especially our nation Nigeria with your mercy and power; let there be peace, in Jesus name.
Father, let the earth be filled with Your glory, as the water covers the earth, in Jesus name.