Today’s Reading:
Acts 3: 12-19
"And now, brethren, I know that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers." (v. 17)
We have a general saying that says "Ignorance is no excuse" and God words say My people perish because of ignorance.. Ignorance has pushed us into lack, sorrow, tragedy and unfortunately death and blindness of heart (Eph 4:18). Through the Scripture, there has always been an atonement for ignorance (Lev. 4:2; 4:13; 5:15; 5:18; Nums 15: 25-28). And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17: 30).
Our Ancestors ignorantly traded with idols and powers of the land. They sold out their destiny and souls and also that of their generations to come. Ignorantly, some still have their shrines in their households and pour libations daily and does same on behalf of their children. Ignorantly, they traded their Glory for fame, wealth, popularity & position from the devil. Little wonder then, that problems bombarded them and their generations.
Some of the consequences of these are:
1. Unending circular problems;
2. Marital turbulence;
3. failure at the edge of breakthrough;
4. disfavour;
5. stagnation and limitation;
6. constant attack from unrepentant;
7. household wickedness;
8. mysterious problems in nature;
9. situation that appear resistant to prayer;
10. dream of defilement;
11. Evil family pattern.
The list is endless and to think that all these were as a result of Ignorance. Its through our Ignorance and inherited ignorance from our fathers that made them dedicate us to these evil powers. We are in deep collective captivity through destructive Covenants. But the, the good news is that we can be free, we are victorious through our Lord Jesus Christ that shed his blood for us on the Cross.
Through it's in the Scripture that if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3). The righteous can PRAY, ASK FOR MERCY AND REPENT and turn to the king of Glory Jesus Christ. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corin.3:11).
God bless.
Prayer points:
My Glory, Arise, shine in Jesus name.
Stronghold of ignorance in my life, scatter, in Jesus name.
Evil Effects of Covenants and curses on my family, die in Jesus name.
Let the stronghold of ignorance scatter in the church of God, in Jesus name.
O Lord, in your mercy forgive the ignorance of our nation in following other gods, in Jesus mighty name.