Today’s Reading:
Psalm 89:1-4
In the scripture above, the Psalmist is talking about singing about the mercies of God, and God's faithfulness to all generations. We all need the mercy of God, especially in these challenging times that we are in. It is even more spectacular if you have a covenant of mercy with God, it will always speak for you when you are not able to pray. The mercy of God is not what you assume will be there for you wherever you desire it. You may pray for it, and not get it due to certain factors. Romans 9 vs 15-16 talks about God having mercy on whom he chooses.
However, when you enter into a covenant of mercy with God for you and your family, you can invoke it at any time, and it will speak. In 2nd Samuel 7 vs 14-15, God entered into an everlasting covenant of mercy with David for him and his household. That covenant is still speaking today. This is what Isaiah refers to in Isaiah 55 vs 3 as the sure mercies of David.
Something interesting happened in the book of Mark 10 vs 46-52. The story of blind Bartimaeus. The general belief is that it was the shouting of blind Bartimaeus that attracted the attention of Jesus. It was much more than that. He shouted " Jesus, thou son David, have mercy on me". He did not say "Son of God have mercy on me " He connected to the covenant of mercy that God had with David, and that immediately brought Jesus to a standstill. When Jesus asked him what he wanted, he asked for the restoration of his sight. You will notice that Jesus did not touch him, but said "thy faith had made thee whole"
Today I urge you to enter into such a covenant for you and your family.
What are the conditions?
Be born again
Be merciful to others
Do not carry unforgiveness in your heart.
Repent of every sin.
My Father, I release all those that have offended me in the name of Jesus
I plead for your mercy over my life and family in the name of Jesus
I enter into a covenant of mercy with my God for me and my family in the name of Jesus (You must do this with an offering).
O Lord have mercy on your church in the name of Jesus
We plead for mercy over Nigeria in the name of Jesus