Today’s Reading:
Psalm 15
“…whoever does these things will never be shaken” (Psalm 15:5b)
Two questions were asked in verse one of Psalm 15, who may dwell in your sacred tent, Lord? Who may live on your holy mountain? These two questions were answered in the verses that follow. For any Christian to remain unshakable, issues raised in the verses must be strictly adhered to. When this is done, such a Christian can be likened to a palm tree.
One thing that causes a palm tree to withstand the storms and never be shaken is its root system. Its roots go deep beneath the surface. When we are rooted and grounded in God, his commands (abiding in Him as He abides in us), we will be like the palm tree in our daily lives. We will have strong roots and walk uprightly. What does it mean to walk uprightly? The Bible describes Job as “blameless and upright,” then goes on to define him as one who “feared God and shunned evil” (Job 1:1, NIV). In other words, to be one who walks uprightly, we must obey God’s commands and stand strong against the temptation to sin. To put it even more simply—put the good in, keep the bad out. Those who walk uprightly are uncompromising and humble, keep their eyes and ears from unclean things, avoid sin, deal honestly, have unwavering faith, and walk in love toward others. They are not hypocrites—speaking one way but living another. They walk uprightly in public and in private—speaking truth in their hearts.
The purpose of Psalm 15 is not to judge and condemn those who do not meet these requirements, but to call and encourage all of God’s people to walk in this way. The Gospel declares that the God who demands these things is the God who forgives us when we fail and enables us to grow in holiness. When you live the Psalm 15 life and walk uprightly, refuse to speak against others, stand against evil, keep your word, and keep integrity in the way you handle money, you will become like a palm tree—immovable, unshakable and fruitful. No matter what comes your way—you will stand firm and prosper!
As we journey in the New Year, if there is anything God requires of us, it is to walk uprightly and remain in Him. You can’t bribe God with good works and continue to live a sinful life. All that is required of every child of God can be summed up in the passage in question.
Thank you Jesus for bringing me into this brand-new year, I’m eternally grateful
I receive grace to walk faithfully with you all the days of my life
Every power standing against me in the place of doing God’s will, lose your hold over my life in Jesus’ name.
I shall remain unshakable throughout this year and beyond in Jesus’ name