Today’s Reading:
Revelation 11:1-14
"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." (v. 3)
In the passage read, John was told to measure the temple of God and its worshipers, but to exclude from the measurement the outer court, which is to be trampled down by the nations for forty-two months. God sends two witnesses to Jerusalem to testify against the nations, but the beast killed them and all the people rejoice at this martyrdom. After three and a half days, they were revived and caught up to heaven. Then a great earthquake destroyed a tenth of the city, seven thousand people were killed, but the rest gave glory to the God of heaven.
The Greek word translated “temple” designates the temple building proper in distinction to the outer court. This is important in the interpretation of the passage. The temple area as a whole consisted of a complex, at the centre of which stood a building within which were the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. This was surrounded by three courts: the court of the priests containing the altar of burnt offering, into which only priests were admitted, and two adjoining courts: the court of Israel and the court of the women. As the terms suggest, these were the courts where the Jewish people might assemble to worship. These inner courts were surrounded by a vast outer court–the court of the gentiles, to which all interested men were given access. “It is very important to note that God has never left any period of history without a witness, even during this time of Great Tribulation. There is a lot of speculation about the identity of the two witnesses. Some believe that the two witnesses represent Israel and the church or Israel and the Word of God. However, John holds that they are two individuals. They are two individuals sent to witness to Israel to bring about their conversion. Until their mission is completed, the person of the two witnesses is inviolate; but when they have accomplished their task, they fall prey to the wrath of the beast.” When it seems that some are defeated, it may only mean their mission was completed. According to verse 7, the beast from the bottomless pit which is none other than Satan himself, makes war against them and overcomes them and kills them. Of interest is the fact that this is the first of thirty-six references in Revelation to the beast, not to be confused with the living creatures of chapter 4. The beast that came of out the pit is Satan. The beast out of the sea in the world. The beast out of the land is the false religious leader of that day.
After three and a half days, God brings the two witnesses back to life. This causes great fear to come upon them. The two witnesses stood on their feet, demonstrating that they were alive. God gave the two witnesses life. This was accomplished by “the breath of life” from God. Related passages in the Bible are: John 20:22; Genesis 2:7; 6:17; 7:15; 7:22; Ezekiel 37:5, 10; and II Kings 13:21. The resurrection of the two prophets reminds us of the prophecy of the revival of Israel in Ezekiel 37:10.” The breath of life often has to do with physical life, but it can also refer to spiritual life. The Spirit of Life from God enters the bodies of the two witnesses, and they stand up on their feet. The word translated “spirit” and “breath” are the same in both Greek and Hebrew, thus the “Spirit of life” is parallel to the “breath of life” that God breathed on the first man He created (Genesis 2:7). During the three and a half days that their bodies lay in the broad Jerusalem Street, they would probably become disfigured by animals, if not by people. Decay would probably set in. But the Spirit of life is a creative, life-giving Spirit that comes out from God, full of His power. Thus, the two witnesses were restored not only to live but also to full health and vigour. They were infused with spiritual life as well. And they stand up full of the power of the Holy Spirit. What a witness to the fact that the victories of the beast will be short-lived! God is the Victor and always will be the Victor. He alone has the ultimate control over life and death.'”
The two witnesses heard a loud voice calling them up into heaven. Their opponents were left behind to watch them ascend in the cloud. As the witnesses were taken up into heaven, a great earthquake levels a portion of the city, killing 7,000 and forcing the rest to acknowledge the transcendent majesty of God. Ezekiel 38:19-20 predicted a great earthquake that would precede the end. Zechariah says that the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west when God returns to crush his enemies (Zech. 14:15).
Seven thousand people died, and the rest “gave glory to God.”
Lord use me as an instrument of honour to witness Jesus Christ to the world, in Jesus name.
Father Lord help me to obey and follow you not minding the cost, in Jesus name.
At the end of my journey here on earth Lord, let my life bring glory, honour and majesty to your holy, name in Jesus name.
Spirit of the living God breath on me and every member of my family to give us good health and sound mind, in Jesus name.
Every power from the pits of hell walking against all our Church leaders I command you to be disgraced, in Jesus name. Amen.
O God, arise and scatter all enemies of the progress of Nigeria, in Jesus name. Amen