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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

John 4:23



i. Jesus was traveling from Jerusalem to Galilee and chose to go through Samaria which was a place the Jews resisted because the Samaritans were mixed-breed of Jew & Gentile and did not believe all of God’s law.

ii. They held to the Pentateuch and not the rest of the Old Testament.

iii. Jesus, according to verse 4 “Must needs go through Samaria” the normal way for the Jews to go from Jerusalem to Galilee was through Perea, which was East of the Jordan River.

iv. But Jesus went straight through Samaria so that he could speak to a Samaritan woman and introduce himself to her as the Messiah.

v. Jesus, in the midst of the conversation with the woman gave a very clear teaching on True worshipper and True Worship.


a. Worship: W. E. Vine says: Worship is nowhere defined in scripture. However, it is a consideration of Five Greek words showing that it is not confined to praise.

b. Broadly it may be regarded as direct acknowledgement to God of his nature, attributes, ways and claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise and Thanksgiving or by deed done in such acknowledgement.


Throughout the scriptures, Worship consists of some of the following:

i. Prayers

ii. Praises

iii. Confession of Faith

iv. Reading of the Scriptures

v. Preaching/Teaching

vi. Partaking in the Lord’s table

vii. Giving an offering willingly


i. Those who realise that Jesus is the truth of God John 14:6

ii. Those who realise Jesus is the only way to God. Acts 4:12

iii. Those who realise that Jesus is the only channel of worship John 1:18

NB: There are basically three (3) steps to procure the cadre of a True Worshipper. Which include

  • Mercy

  • Cross

  • Grace.

These three stated above, are extremely pivotal regarding the kingdom matters because it has a biblical foundation spoken by no man but Christ (John 3:3, 17-21).


  • The true worshippers must travel from the dark world.

  • Mercy is compassion God shown to the entire world via the birth of Christ, his birth opens the door of salvation (Mathew 1:21).

  • The true worshippers must move from Mercy to the next transit country in his/her pilgrims journey, the old rugged Cross.


a. The Old Rugged Cross

  • A place you crucified flesh & self will

  • A place you have died for the world and it’s worldliness

  • A place you have been crucified with Christ

  • Cross didn’t spare Christ rather it slew him, so the Cross won’t spare anyone.

  • The Cross accepts reproaches, shame and ridicule.

  • The Cross helps to be more virtuous and faithful

  • The Cross journey or experience is to be enlisted, Commission into the Army of the Lord Jesus Christ– as a True Worshipper.

  • Every heavy load that can’t pass through the check point, i.e God’s standard must be kept at the Cross. For example, Stolen money, lies, syncretism, cheating & duping etc.

  • Don’t pass through the Old Rugged Cross, Tarry at the Cross

  • After the Cross experience of death and resurrection you are highly permitted to enter the next and last country GRACE.

b. The New Modern Cross

  • We are in a generation where almost everywhere people are looking for righteousness made easy, that can simplify the Christian pilgrims’ journey different from Christ’s methods.

  • This is part of what gave birth to commercialized Christianity or merchandise of the Gospel – Gospel criminals.

  • No condition attached to the travellers, no rejection of heavy loads of sin, it is a modernized journey.

  • The Modern Cross permits you to enter eternity with everything you bring from the Dark World.

  • The Modern Cross can’t reject all your sexual apparels

  • It guarantees eternal security with no Salvation

  • There is no self-denial- it gives liberty to all the world offers.

  • People pass through not Tarry


  • This is an unmerited favour that Christ brought us into via the finished Work of Christ and our full acceptance of him and identifying with him.

  • A place where Christ fully pleaded and adopted man as his own son and daughter

  • Everyone who enters Grace stands at the door of eternity.

  • Grace guarantees us to live a victorious life – this means we are true worshippers in Christ.

  • Grace enables us to be fully engulfed, rooted in Christ to have shared the same life and nature with Christ- endless life, continuity after this body decays

  • Grace qualifies us to have no evil past at the very moment we are fully in Christ. Old things passed away behold, they are new.

  • We become true Children of God & true worshippers after the Holy Spirit has come upon us (Acts 1:8)

  • Grace is the end of all long suffering and it is a place for trial of Faith


Proskuneo means Worship and Latreuo means serve both means Worship.


  • This is not speaking in tongues

  • This is speaking of having the proper attitude.

  • With Genuine inward attitude of worship as a service not for show


  • Worshipping in Truth is this- considers any personal or fleshly attitude, action, activities of Worship.

  • Consider worshipping God alone consistently as considered in the scriptures


a. If your understanding & interpretation of the scriptures is wrong, your practice will be wrong.

b. The scriptures is a sacred, set apart writings, documents which was/is given to make you wise through faith unto Salvation.

c. The mission of the Holy Scriptures is to make you wise unto Salvation.

d. The Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation.

e. The message is Christ and out of Christ's suffering, Glory follows.

a. Christian music or being a Christian musician does not make anyone a True Worshipper rather a True Worshipper makes a good Christian.

b. Instrumentalist doesn’t make you a True Worshipper but a True Worshipper can become a good instrumentalist.

c. Offering & Tithes doesn’t make you a True Worshipper, but a True Worshipper makes offerings and Tithes.

d. The years you spend in the Church can’t make you a True Worshipper but becoming a True Worshipper via the Cross can make you stay profitable years in the Church.

e. Since the time of Jesus, the place of Worship and Prayer has become a Den (Hermitage, hideout) of robbers/thieves only few are true worshippers (Mathew 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46).

f. That is why a good Christian can identify a gospel criminal easily.


Your location of worship is inconsequential, your denomination is irrelevant but pure, sincere and uncompromising Worship is what matters and attractive before God Almighty. Stop rendering unpleasant noise into the Lord for community to see peace if you are not born again. It is time for you to come, join the train of sincere Worshippers to avoid eternal and unending regrets.




  1. Father, thank You for all the benefits You bestowed on us in Christ Jesus.

  2. Thank You Lord, for protecting me from the snares of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence, in Jesus name.

  3. Father, fill the body of Christ with Your love to overflowing, in Jesus name.

  4. Father, let there be a fresh and full outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon the ministers of God in all nations, in Jesus name.

  5. Lord, let righteousness reign in every part of our nation, in Jesus name.

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