Today’s Reading:
Romans 8:26-27

Once upon a time, there was a young corps member who was preparing for a prayer meeting one particular evening in the orientation camp. He said to himself, “I need to pray before the meeting starts.” As he began to pray in tongues, another brother came into the room and found him praying but what the spirit of God interpreted to the brother was that the brother was praying for a wife and he told him what he understood from his prayer. He could not think that he was actually praying in that line because he was actually praying in tongues.
The passage above says, “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what the mind of the spirit…is” God is the Alpha and Omega, the one sayeth a thing and bring it to fulfilment, He was before the earth, and he will be after everything is no more.
God Almighty shall show up for you today beyond your understanding. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Your strength shall be renewed; weariness, tiredness, confusion have no place in your life.
I receive strength to wait, overcome prevail over all situations in Jesus name.
I ask today in Jesus name that all that had eluded me to return in hundredfold, in Jesus name
I recover all spiritually, physically, financially, morally, and in marriage in Jesus name.
I recall all that sin, the accuser, ignorance, and thief have taken in Jesus name.
Spirit of the living God, recover the glory of Nigeria for us in Jesus name.