Today’s Reading:
Genesis 12:1-3
“Now the Lord had said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you’’ (v. 1)

Many believers want to know God’s will, but Abraham’s call began with God speaking to him. We do not know exactly how this happened. Maybe, God spoke to him through a fiery bush, through a cloud, a blinding light, or a soft whisper. We do not know. But we do know that God made his will very clear to Abraham—he was to leave his country, his people, and his father’s household. There is a first call to all human being on earth, that is a call to repentance, salvation and to be born again – to be a child of God by surrendering your life to Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour.
There is a general call for all believers as revealed through God’s Word. God calls for all of us to make disciples, to daily spend time with him through his Word and prayer, to be involved with and serve a Bible preaching church, and to turn away from sin. These are aspects of God’s general call for all believers. However, God also has a specific call for every believer—such as seen in God’s call for Abraham to leave his home and family to be a blessing to the world. A specific call deals with things that are not clearly revealed through his Word—this is a specific assignment by God.
To discern our specific call, we must apply principles found in scripture. (1) Prov. 11:4 says;” in the multitude of counsellors there is safety”. (2) Phil. 2:12-13 “God works in us to will and do of his good pleasure” If you are walking with God and obeying his Word, many times your desires are prompted and led by God. He also gives you the ability to do his will. (3) We must apply the wisdom principles in Scripture. David said, “Your Word is a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet” (Ps 119:105). When we are not using the principles given in Scripture, we walk in the dark. (4) We must faithfully fulfil God’s general call: God has given a general call in Scripture for everyone to obey—like meditating on his Word day and night, sharing the gospel, using our spiritual gifts to serve the church, and turning away from sin. When we are faithful with what God has already revealed, he gives us more (Mark 4:24–25). Jesus said if you are faithful with what you hear from God, then he gives you more.
You are created for a specific assignment on this earth and you cannot discover it without having a close relationship with God – your father. God has a specific work for you, have you discovered it? If no, call on God to open your eyes to it now.
My father and my God, I repent from all my sins and surrender my life to you today as my Lord and Saviour.
Father, I ask for grace to faithfully fulfill the general call for my life, in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus open my eyes to your specific assignment for my life on this planet earth, in Jesus name.
Lord, you have made the Church as the Light to the world, help us to shine and fulfill our responsibility as the light, in Jesus name.
Oh, Nigeria you will fulfill God’s purpose for being created and located in the trigger point in the map of Africa, in Jesus name.