Today’s Readings:
Genesis 46:1-7,28-30
Psalm 37:3-4,18-19,27-40
Matthew 10:16-23
There is a truth of Christianity that is absolutely certain. It is these words of Jesus in today’s Gospel reading: “You will be hated by all men on account of my name; but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:22). This is an incontrovertible truth because of God on whose assurance we stand. God alone knows our end from our beginning. It is on God that all our joys, hopes, aspirations, vocations and our very purpose rests. Knowing that God is our origin and the end to which we look forward, three secret ingredients are placed at our disposal to help us achieve our goal: Worship, Confidence and Love. , Worship is the nature of our relationship with God. He is the source of all that we have and are. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being. It is God to whom we owe absolute worship and praise; it is to God that we ought to surrender our heart together with its desires, pleasures, pains, hopes and fears. Everything about us should be handed over to God. Worship means handing yourself over to God.
We are no strangers to pain in this world. We have at some point suffered betrayal and selfishness from others. The imperfections of those we relate with are clear to us, even when they claim and pledge to love us. It is only with God that we can be confident that He will not “fall our hand”. In God alone are we confident that all our expectations will be met? It is to God that we offer our prayers, our work, our fears and tears, our anger and passion. God alone keeps His promises forever. The scriptures say that those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which can neither be shaken nor moved (Psalm 125:1). It also says that the name of the Lord is a strong tower and those who run to it shall be saved (Proverbs 18:10). Love is the reason we exist. It is the food we eat and the air we breathe. It is the first thought in our minds each day and the last thing on our minds when we sleep. Love has its origin and final accomplishment in God. And it is only by loving God with our whole heart, mind and soul that we truly find purpose. It is only by growing in our love for God and realizing how much He loves us, that we become what He created us to be. Because we cannot see God in the flesh, our love grows cold. But we can touch God and He touches us. How?
We hear God’s words in Scripture. We receive Him in the Eucharist. We hear his words of forgiveness in the confessional. We can experience God in music which edifies the soul and, in those men, and women whose lives help us to find hope, knowing that there are still good people in this world. We experience love and consolation when we pray too. When you kneel in prayer and rise up, we discover that we are stronger, bolder, renewed and strengthened. Nothing can defeat anyone who has already surrendered their being to God in prayer.
Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endures forever.
Give thanks unto the God of gods; for his mercy endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords; for his mercy endures forever.
Father meet me at my point of need, in Jesus' name.
Father, visit every Christian home with your love and mercy and empower them through whatever challenge they are passing through, in Jesus' name.
Unite the body of Christ in Your mercy with Your love, in Jesus' name.
In Your mighty power, align our nation with Your plan for this season, in Jesus' name. AMEN.