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Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe




Romans 7:18-25

Psalm 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94

Luke 12:54-59


Why do we act wrongly even when we know the truth? Is there something broken in us or are we just doomed to failure? Saint Paul offers answers. To the first question he says, we act out of step with the truth because we are “unspiritual”. To be unspiritual means that I know the good that I must do but I choose what is wrong out of selfishness. Being unspiritual is like stepping out of your house and seeing dark clouds gathering and concluding that it will rain but then you choose to disregard it (‘your bodi go tell you!’).

Paul answers the second question by declaring that we are “wretched” and “doomed to death” without God’s grace. The healing that restores harmony between our will and our body is the saving grace of God. Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him/her, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). It is, therefore, an abysmal error to live life on one’s terms to the utter disregard of God’s grace. What you will do, as a result, will affect generations long after you have gone.

Without grace:

  • We can do nothing good.

  • We act out of selfishness.

  • We are boastful and proud.

  • We deliver wrong judgment.

  • We trample the weak and poor in favour of the rich and powerful.

  • We cheat and promote falsehood instead of truth.

  • We forget that there is day of reckoning for everyone and everything.

  • We are doomed to eternal separation from God (which is what we call “hell”)

The presence of grace:

  • Makes our thoughts and actions wholesome.

  • Makes us place the needs and interests of others before ours.

  • Makes us humble and wise.

  • Causes us to defend the poor and powerless from the rich and powerful.

  • Makes us promote truth instead of falsehood.

  • Helps us to remember that we shall one day stand before God and render an account for all our actions.

  • Prepares us for eternal happiness in heaven.

Pray for God’s grace today and the strength to cooperate with it, so that all may go well with

you and for generations yet to come.

                                                                                    JUDE-MARY OWOH



  1. Lord of the living, thank you for the gift of life. Preserve me in mind, soul and body as I journey through life.

  2. Bless everyone who believes and hopes in You. May their love for you extend to all your creatures and bless them forever. Amen.

  3. Come, O Holy Spirit and teach me discernment and knowledge.

  4. Let me know your ways and follow it wholeheartedly.

  5. Let your love console me in my distress and save me from falling back into my sinfulness. Amen. 

  6. Help us Lord, to make hay while the sun shines, to repent of our sins, reconcile with those who have wronged us and live for God all the days of our lives. Amen.

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