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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Readings:

Psalm 117; Jeremiah 31:1-6; Luke 1: 1-4


The Bible admonished us to praise the Lord. As individuals we must praise the Lord. As a Nation we must praise the Lord. It is not a matter of choice but an obligation. The psalmist says let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord, praise God in his sanctuary, praise him in the firmament of his power. We must praise him for His merciful kindness is great toward us. We must praise him because the truth of the Lord endures forever. When all else fails to get the attention of the Lord praises attract his attention immediately. Daniel prayed and his request was granted immediately but the Angel that was bringing his blessings, that is, the answer to his prayers was detained at the second heavens until the arch-angel came to assist the angel because Daniel persisted in prayers for 21 days! If after Daniel had started praising God after he had finished praying, God would have answered his prayers immediately because God inhabits the praises of his people (Psalm 22 v.3). Nobody can detain God. Who can battle with the Lord?

When we pray, we are requesting something from the Lord. Prayer is a two-way communication. God can answer the prayer immediately, he can say wait, he can also delegate to departments in heaven to bring the answer in which case your request may take time to be granted. When you fast, it doesn’t move God in anyway but it lifts your spirit and makes you hopeful that sooner than later your request will be granted. That is why some people fast for one day, two days, three days or more. But when you praise the Lord, your request is granted immediately because praise is a direct channel to God. The psalmist knows this very well and in Psalm 100 sings a song of praise by saying that he would enter the Gate of the Lord with thanksgiving in his heart and enter his court with praises. The Israelites have just crossed the Red Sea on a dry ground. They saw Pharaoh and his chariots perish in the Red Sea live! It was a direct experience and an unforgettable one at that. It was not a story. At that time the only thing left for them was to praise God. Moses and the Israelites sang unto the Lord as recorded in the substantial part of Exodus 15. And that is where we got some songs that we now sing today most especially Verse 11 which goes thus: Who is like unto thee O Lord, who is like unto thee oh Lord, among the Gods who is like thee GLORIOUS in holiness, Fearful in praises Always doing wonders Hallelujah.

Something interesting (but which can be described as crazy in terms of war) happened in 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat was instructed by God to go to war without any weapons of war but praises and the Lord raised an ambush against their enemies. Verses 20 and 21 say: And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said,” Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for his mercy endures forever.

Today, we must make up our minds that no matter the situation we will always praise the Lord because he that keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. He knows our situation, our challenges, our struggles, our pains and all so rest in him and cast your burdens on him through praises. Nobody goes to even his earthly father and collects Blessings easily without praising him, how much more our heavenly Father. Indeed, the only thing we have to do in heaven is praising God all the time because in the New Jerusalem there is no day and night. Hallelujah is a heavenly language. The earlier we start doing it now the better, for everyone will give account. Indeed, we do not praise God with our mouth alone that is why Psalm 150 enjoined us to praise him with the sound of the trumpet; with psaltery and harp, with timbrel and dance, with stringed instruments and organs, upon the loud cymbals and upon the high-sounding cymbals. Indeed, everything that has breath must praise the Lord. Beloved keep on praising the Lord and it shall be well with you.




  1. Oh Lord Clothe me with Your garment of praise, in the name of Jesus.

  2. Praises of God will never depart from my household, in the name of Jesus.

  3. Oh Lord rend the heavens open for my sake and my family, in the name of Jesus.

  4. Oh Lord fill the mouth of our pastors and ministers with everlasting praise, in the name of Jesus

  5. Oh Lord in Your mercy, give the Nations of the World the reasons, to praise your Holy Name, in the name of Jesus.

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