Today’s Reading:
Luke 10:38-42 (42)
"But one thing is needed, Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
(v.42 NIV)
Distractions come in several forms, especially when we settle down in the presence of God to read, study or meditate upon the word of God. We become restless - that is when we remember we want to check something, that is when we are thirsty and so on. Even at church, we may be active, but when it comes to preaching time, we doze off. Usually, for many of us, it is a struggle to study the word of God. Why is this so? There is need for our physical to be tailored to meet the dare needs of the spiritual.
Here is a family Jesus visited - Martha and Mary her sister. Jesus would be with them for a while but would have important things to teach that may serve their lifetime. Martha was full of important activities to welcome Jesus whereas, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus to learn from his teachings that would feed and nurture her spirit. Martha was worried that Mary did not join her with the chores.
This implies that most of our life’s activities are in chaos, not focused. Even in our daily activities, some of us are unnecessarily fussy about elaborate preparations that does not matter to God.
Few moments we will spend in the presence of God should be with an attitude of worship and meditation, listening with an open mind and heart to receive the words of Jesus. When in the presence of God we need a change our priorities, because we may not get to learn what we will be taught again in life.
As much as it is good to care for our physical needs of the hour; our spiritual needs are much more important. Preparation for our physical food should not be used as an excuse to neglect our spiritual meals that give us healthy spiritual nourishment.
Martha was too busy minding relationships; she chose to worry over intimacy thereby refusing to used her time on what was vital. Whereas, Mary used wisdom to take advantage of the moment to listen to Jesus' teachings.
Martha's distraction was well-intentioned; but she was missing the opportunity to listen to Jesus and enjoying his presence. Jesus deserves our deepest devotion and he is the only one that can empower us to overcome the distractions of our lives.
Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe
1. Father give me a teachable spirit to learn from your Word, in Jesus name.
2. My Father, prioritise the activities of my life and keep me busy, doing things that pleases you, in Jesus name.
3. Father uproot everything you have not planted in my life that is hindering the move of your power in my life, in Jesus name.
4. Father uproot everything you have not planted in your church and revive your Pentecostal fire and power, in Jesus name. Father uphold Christian families to suite you purpose, in Jesus name.
5. Father thank you for sustaining Nigeria with your power and fire. Thank you for bringing the nation this far. Let your power of peace and progress move her forward, in Jesus name. Amen.