Today’s Readings:
Psalm 76; Isaiah 60:17-22; Ephesians 4:25-5:2
Our God is a mighty God, full of splendour, goodness, power, grace wrath, In our hearts He is known, He placed His thoughts there in our heart right before we were born (Jeremiah 1:1), He has the ability to create and to destroy, He broke the flashing arrows, the shield, the sword, and the weapons of wars against His children and His church. In Isaiah 60:17 He said “Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones”. He can bypass anything in order to bring to pass His promises on our lives. Our Lord is so mighty and does not wait for any man before He can wroth wonders on earth.
A mighty God that created the world from total darkness and mess, He created the firmament, He made the heaven His throne and the earth His footstool. This mighty God has promised to be our everlasting light, the smallest of us a mighty nation. He is doing great things in us and through us already.
The power of God can be seen in:
How much of the free air we breathe in daily without payment (Genesis 2:7)?
How He made the sun and rain to shine and fall on both the good and the bad (Matthew 5:45).
How he turned again our captivity, put laughter in our hearts and spoilt the devices of the evil ones (Psalm 126:1).
How He judges the earth from heaven, he gives to everyone on earth according to the seeds they have sown (Psalm 76:8).
How he cuts off terrible people who would have hurt us from our lives (Psalm 76:12).
The strength He gives to us so we can work to provide for our daily needs
Never take the mighty power of God for granted, His actions can’t be influenced by any man, He can raise up stones to worship Him if we refused to, His mighty power makes Him reign supreme.
The mighty power of God is causing a difference in my world and making impossibility possible for me. Amen
By the mighty power of God, I want abundance daily.
God’s mighty hand produce the extraordinary in my life today. Amen
The church of God experiences divine visitation by the mighty power of God today.
This country experiences a mighty turnaround by the mighty power of God, Amen