Today’s Reading:
Psalm 22:19-28, Isaiah 59:1-8, Matthew 9:27-34

It is very important to note that the whole universe is before the Lord, and He watches what each and every one of us does as He recompenses us according to our deeds and according to His mercy. In Psalm 22:19-28, the Psalmist cried to the Lord for deliverance and protection from the sword as he equally told the Lord that He will declare the name of the Lord to His brethren and praise the name of the Lord in thy great congregation.
The Lord sees our heart and knows what we are capable of, He knows those who will praise Him in both good and bad times, He knows those that will rebel against him with their ways of iniquities, and He gives to us rewards according to our hearts, capabilities, and tendencies. Little wonder prophet Isaiah looked at the people and said, "Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins has hid His face from you that He will not hear" (Isa 59:1-2). He oversees the affairs of humans; He searches their hearts and gives to us according to our tendencies. If our lives are lives in consistent with the will of God, we will get his rewards just as we will also get the reward for our iniquities.
The Lord is also merciful enough to give us our hearts’ desires, heal us, fight for us etc as He oversees the affairs of humans just as Jesus touched the eyes of the blind men and they received their healings in Matt 9:27-34. He is actively in the business of watching man and rewarding man according to their acts and His mercy.
Believers should note that:
God's hand is not too short to reach out to them neither His ears deaf that He can't see them, and their heart desires isn't far away (Isaiah 59:1)
God neither sleeps nor slumbers and He watches over us daily (Psalm 121:1)
God's thought for those who diligently seek Him is to give them awesome reward both on earth and in heaven (Heb 11:6)
God by His mercy has the ability to give to us that which we don't merit but which is mercy found us worthy to enjoy (Romans 5:8).
God is ever ready to help those who cry out to Him like the Psalmist did (Psalm 22:19-28)
Father help us to know when we are falling short of your glory and going far from your presence.
Jesus, like the Psalmist, I draw strength from you to overcome challenges and the sins that beset me.
Jesus thank you for always watching over me and my family and making sure we live in line with your purpose for us.
Father help your church to focus on your purpose and help her not to sway away from your plans in Jesus’ name.
Jesus you are taking iniquities away from this country and the citizens of this country are drawing closer to you. Amen