Today’s Reading:
Judges 16:16-20
“… and they brought in a barber and cut off his hair and he woke up and thought, I will do as before but he didn’t realise that the Lord had left him.” (Judges 16:19-20 TLB)

The mighty are falling every day and heaven is weeping while hell is rejoicing, what a pity! Hell is releasing different arrows in this end-time to get down soldiers of Christ, some of these arrows include but not limited to discouragement, depression, lust, sexual immoralities, idolatry etc. I would like to describe the mighty in the light of the scripture as written in the book of Hebrews 6:4-5. So the mighty is someone who is enlightened, who is tasting (manifesting) the heavenly gift, partaking in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, tasting or enjoying the good word of God and the powers of the age to come. Samson without doubt was a mighty man because he was a Nazarite. Nazarites are people separated unto the Lord for a special assignment. The doctrine of the Nazarite involves taking the three vows; no razor on the head, do not touch any dead bodies and do not drink any alcohol. In the New Testament, Nazarites are people who separated themselves to live a holy life therefore every Christian is expected to be a Nazarite. We shall take a look into the life of Samson being a mighty man and why he fell, so that end time Christians can learn.
Reasons for the fall of the mighty:
What they see and do with it Judges 14:1, 16:1: Samson went to Timnath and Gaza, there he saw a woman. Among all that is in Gaza what Samson saw was a woman. Of course, it is not a sin to see a woman but the seeing of Samson was different. Once he sees, he wants to have a deeper relationship with them. The first woman, he proposed marriage to her while the second one was a prostitute and he went in to her. Once the mighty fails to discipline himself with the opposite sex then trouble is looming.
Who they marry Judges 16:4: Marriage determines whether a man or woman will make heaven. The marriage of Samson to Delilah was a woe to the life and ministry of Samson. If a man or woman wants to go far and finish well, crucial attention must be paid to the calibre of person they want to journey with in marriage.
Who they keep as friends Judges 14:20: Show me your friends and I can accurately predict your future. People you move with to a greater extent determines whether you will fulfil your destiny or not.
What they eat Judges 14:9 (Consecration): A man that is set apart must not eat anyhow. Others may eat but the appetite of a mighty man must be disciplined. Show me a man or woman who eats anything anyhow at anywhere and I will show you a man without a future.
When they are careless Judges 16:18: Samson was so careless with the secret of his power that he allowed Delilah to lure him into divulging it. The mighty must not be careless with words. Several great men who fall today have been captured with their words. May that not be your portion in Jesus’ name.
When they pray only during problems Judges 15:18: The only place where it is recorded that Samson prayed was when he was thirsty for water. I see him depended on the anointing so much that whatever he wants to do will definitely be done. Even when he stood up from the bed of a prostitute, the anointing was still there to carry the gate of the city. The challenge of the anointing is that even when the Holy Spirit has departed, the manifestation of the anointing is still there.
When they don’t have confidant and mentor or prayer partner: There was no record that Samson had someone who was watching his back in the place of prayer and counselling. He started by touching the dead animal which was forbidden for him and gradually moved to having intercourse with a prostitute. Do you have someone who is praying for you? Where was Samson’s mother when he started misbehaving?
As a child of God, you are a mighty man and there is need to learn from the life of Samson. Be mindful of what you see, prayerfully select your friends, renew your consecration and holiness, check your prayer life from time to time, have a mentor or prayer partner or one who is praying for you. Have you been wounded as a mighty man? There is hope for you. Samson’s hair grew again though he decided to die with the Philistines. You will not die with the Philistines in Jesus name. I see you rising again, your strength is renewed now in Jesus’ name. Discover where you have fallen and repent. Judges 16:21-22, Revelation 3:2-3.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
I shall not be wounded in the journey of life in Jesus’ name
Every Delilah ordained for my Samson to fall, die in Jesus’ name
Whatever I have lost to the devil and his cohorts, I receive them by fire in Jesus’ name
I receive grace to finish strong in Jesus’ name
Every Samson of this generation who has fallen, Oh Lord, restore them in Jesus’ name.