Today’s Reading:
Ex. 12:1-14; (Lev. 17:11)
"For the life of all body (flesh) is in its blood. I have given you the blood on the altar to purify you (make atonement for your souls), making you right with the Lord. It is the blood, given in exchange for a life, that makes purification possible.” (Lev. 17:11)
God required blood to atone for sin. Therefore, for the Israelites to be delivered from Egyptian bondage and spared from the plague of death, a lamb without defect had to be killed and its blood placed on the doorposts and lintel of each home (v.13) so that when the angel of destruction sees the blood, he would pass over. Also, whenever the Israelites were separated from God because of sin, blood was used to atone and to redeem, and relieve them from the pain of punishment. There was the yearly Passover animal sacrifice and the repeated monthly and daily blood sacrifice so that the Israelites’ altar was never dry of blood. So, the animal blood was not enough to sacrifice to maintain the right relationship with God.
For this reason, God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die, shed his blood on the cross, once and for all atone for the sin of mankind, redeem our souls and do away with the animal sacrifice of blood. The way in which the blood atones for sin when offered with the right attitude is that the sacrifice and the bloodshed from it make forgiveness of sin possible, the blood represents the sinner’s life, which is infected with his sin and condemned to death. Then the blood is the innocent life of the animal that was sacrificed in place of the guilty person making the offering. The blood of the animal serves as proof of fulfilling the penalty of death. God, therefore, granted forgiveness to the sinner based on the faith of the one who sinned.
Bloodshed for atonement for sin which is the old covenant points to the blood of Jesus Christ which initiated the new covenant. On the night Jesus had the last supper with his disciples, he said: “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you” (Luke 22:20). Paul also said: In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:7). But then we cannot continue in sin and at the same time dwell in the light of Jesus. John said: “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin {unrighteousness}”(1Jn. 1:7).
Today, what do we do with the Passover blood of Jesus to work in our lives and situations?
The Hebrews ate the meal with thanks to God for saving them from death and bringing them out of the land of slavery and sin (vv. 17, 23). In the same way, we have experienced a day of deliverance in the new birth from spiritual death and slavery to sin; we should always appreciate and give thanks for the blood of Jesus.
We plead the blood of Jesus over every area of our lives, our body, soul, spirit, and bones. We overcame by the blood of the Lamb (Rev.12:11).
We should believe in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
By faith, we use the blood as a covering from evil and danger (vv. 6-11).
In our daily living, we are to use the miraculous, power in the blood of Jesus as an instrument of healing, protection, deliverance from various forms of issues, to cleansing, to purification, to the transformation of lives and revival of souls.
Unlike the blood of Abel which is crying for vengeance; the blood of Jesus is able to speak good things into situations of our lives.
The blood of Jesus serves as a seal to the workings of God in our lives.
Father, thank you for the power in the blood of Jesus to save, heal and deliver, in Jesus name.
I plead the Passover Blood of Jesus over my dwelling place, from the rooftop to the ground; and the fire of the Holy Ghost be a wall of fire around me and my family, in Jesus name.
I close the door of demonic entrance into my body/life, and I seal the doors with the blood of Jesus.
Father keep me and my family in the envelope of the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
As I drink the blood of Jesus, let it re-energise, revitalise, strengthen, and repair every damaged organ of my body, in Jesus name.
Father, let the blood of Jesus sanitise Your church and make her function to the glory of Your name, in Jesus name.
Let the blood of Jesus speak healing to the nations of the world, in Jesus name.