Today’s Reading:
Psalm 99; Deuteronomy 9:15-24; Luke 10:21

The only perfect holy and just being is God. He is holy beyond looking at sin - he cannot behold iniquities he cannot wrap himself with dirtiness. He always dwells and resides in a clean and pure environment; that is why he cannot dwell in a man that possesses demons and spirit of sin. He exposes his mind to his people; he cannot leave them in darkness - He shines and reigns inside them. He blesses them with exposition from heaven - there is nothing hidden to them. This is because they have God as omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and ever reigning God. He reveals himself only to the people he wants. Father (God), Jesus (Son) and the Holy Spirit (Comforter) are one- fused and inseparable; nothing is a secret to them. They see and know everything hidden –nothing is hidden to them even in darkness.
God is holy, perfect, and just – he does not manipulate justice. He is the one behind the success recorded about his apostles (servants). He was clean and has pure eyes that can only behold righteous people (Psalm 99:6-7). It takes him no stress to destroy the community of sinners but because of his loving kindness he gives them opportunity to repent and come to him. God through Christ Jesus appoints people who can lead the community of sinners to him just as he entrusted that assignment into Moses’ hand so also, he wants generation of his children to continue the job with Christ and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, God wants you to be part of his people.
God, grant me the grace to serve you the more in Jesus’ name.
God, be confident and trust me to bring souls that wandered away to your kingdom.
God, reveal to me what is hidden in darkness
God, send your light to illuminate this nation
God, raise generation of righteous and faithful servants in Jesus’ name.