Today's Reading:
Samuel 1vs21-28,1 Samuel 2vs1-10,1Timothy6vs11-21

One of the greatest things that the psalmist used to get the attention of God is Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving, there is always more blessings, why! When you thank a person for a good thing done for you, it shows that you recognise the person's love, approval of you, acceptance, consideration for you. No wonder the assertion in some cultures that if a child learns how to appreciate what good thing that was done for him/her the previous day, he/she will get another good thing again.
Hannah went to Shiloh, prayed to God concerning her barrenness, God answered her, blessed her with a son(Samuel). After that incident, she now dedicated the child to God(to thank God) and because of that, she became the mother of children (1Samuel1vs21-28). Hannah thanked the Lord over Samuel, and she got more children. Brother Paul while exalting Brother Timothy, told him to inculcate the Christian virtues, which includes righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, etc which would eventually make him be in right standing with God for blessings. The virtues highlighted above were transparent in the life of Hannah before she became the mother of children. she did not allow what she was going through to debar her from doing good, despite the situation she found herself in.
Therefore, let us emulate those virtues as told to Timothy by Apostle Paul so that our thanksgiving can manifest greatly. For you to have heavenly attention there must be divine cooperation.
1. Powers that say I will not thank God be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
2. My father, my father, my father, give me reasons to thank you for the more, in the name of Jesus.
3. Oh God, arise and supply the needs of all the Christian homes, in the name of Jesus.
4. Oh God of wonders manifest yourself in my life, in the name of Jesus.