Today’s Reading:
Acts 2:23-36
"King David said this about Him: I see that the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts His praises! My body rests in hope.” (Acts 2:25-26 NIV)
When a believer lacks God’s presence, he lacks power and authority to speak the Word of God with boldness. He operates under fear and tension. On the day of Christ’s ascension, He told His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they are endued with power from on High (Luke 24:49). The account in our text is the evidence of the demonstration of the Lord’s presence through the power of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. Peter was inspired to refer to the account of the Psalmist in Psalm 16:8-11, where David was talking about Jesus who died and resurrected.
The consciousness of the Lord’s presence is all we need if we must grow strong in faith and fulfil our divine mission. It releases the boldness to preach the word of God with boldness followed by signs and wonders. You have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about if the Lord’s presence is around you. It brings you to a season of joy with new song springing out from your lips. What a wonderful benefit to enjoy the Lord’s presence. It also quickens the hope of every believer that death is not the end of everything. Rather, it is a start of new beginnings.
You have nothing to worry about, no foe to be afraid of and no challenges you cannot face. When the presence of Jesus is around you are more than a conqueror. Why are you still afraid? What is it that is disturbing your peace? When Jesus was with His disciples on the sea, His presence calmed the storm. He will not also abandon you as He is too faithful to disappoint you. If you can only rely on His presence, He is always there to help you and see you through all situations, only have faith in Him (Habakkuk 2:4). Shalom!
Father, in the midst of challenges of life, let your presence sustain me, in Jesus name.
Father, empower me for the purpose for which I have been created, in Jesus name.
Father, deal with every spirit of fear and worries in my life, in Jesus name.
Father, prove to the world that your presence is with your Church, in Jesus name.
Father, let your presence deliver our nation from the hands of the wicked rulers, in Jesus name.