Today's Reading:
Peter 3:18-22
“… for Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God."
(v 18)
Previous verses before our focus today (verses 13-17) were actually addressing suffering for doing well. If anyone suffers for doing wrong things that is good because a man reaps what he sows and that may not be painful compared to an individual who does good and he is made to suffer. Jesus went to the cross to suffer for those who did not deserve it. He was made to be sin, He who knew no sin. The sufferings of Christ on the cross are unspeakable and unjustifiable. The Bible says while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
What a wonderful love! Do you know that Christ died for you? Have you reciprocated that love by surrendering our totality unto Him, by living a righteous live? Are you also suffering for doing good? Don’t be discouraged, your maker will fight your case and vindicate you. You don’t need to defend yourself in all cases in fact some people will spread lies and evil things about you. Relax and let God fight for you. Resemble Christ by handling over everything to God and it shall be well with you in Jesus name.
The last four verses of our text is one of the passages people misinterpret. It must be understood that it is appointed unto man once to die after this judgement. In this context, Peter wants us to understand that it was in Spirit that Jesus went and announced to the spirit in prison the completion of the mystery of God. We must not assume that this is a sermon that concluded with an invitation to repent, a second chance for salvation. He simply announced the revelation of the mystery of God’s eternal plan of salvation. Any prayer offered to the dead is a waste of time and not biblical (Revelation 14:13).
Lord, I thank you for the price you paid at Calvary because of me and the world. Thank you also because your death at Calvary shall not be in vain in my life, in Jesus name.
Everyone who is yet to be born again in my family, Lord you will arrest them, in Jesus name.
In any area I am suffering for doing good, Oh Lord fights my cause and vindicate me.
All the missionaries who are suffering because of the gospel Oh Lord arise and send help their way.
Our nation shall be great, in Jesus name.